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A one-of-a-kind decentralised metaverse meme token that uses blockchain technology to simplify and standardise data. We use blockchain technology to provide user-friendly, efficient, and secure crypto solutions.
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Our vision is to make Shiba Metaverse the most valuable and most rewarding token for holders and for users to earn benefits.

Shiba Metaverse is a project that enables both commercial organizations and non-profit ventures to get exposure for his or her services, products, or initiatives through natural social marketing campaigns that are operated by the creative power of a worldwide community influencers, marketing professionals, and almost anyone with a web presence that desires to participate during a democratized marketing campaign.

The team will be lock liquidity of the contract this will take all powers away from the developer to interact with the contract. As well as renunciation the liquidity will be locked, this showing investors the team and token dynamic is here for the long term.

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