Shiba Junior

Shiba Junior

Created using Figma
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Shiba Junior

SHIBA JUNIOR (ShibJr) is the first child of SHIBA INU and a Shiba Inu Support & Charity Token.
SHIBA JUNIOR´s mission is to support his great father Shiba Inu and animals in need around the world.

With each trade of SHIBJR you help to the circulating supply of Shiba Inu Token.

Be part of this project and our great community.


Shiba Junior is young but got a lot of nice features! Shiba Junior is a community, charity and Shiba Inu support token.
 SHIBJR offers 5% Holder Rewards and a 2% Charity Fee which goes to organizations that care for and rescue animals in need. As the first child of SHIBA INU, SHIBJR is also here to support his father SHIBA INU in all his endeavors and always stand by his side.

 This is why SHIBJR use 2% of each transaction to burn Shiba Inu Token.


5% Holder Rewards

Reflections: 5% of all buy and sell transactions sent to holders. This means that your amount of Token increase throught just holding them.


2% Charity Walllet

2% of each transaction goes to our Charity Wallet. We use this Charity Wallet to support animal shelter and animal Chartiy organisations. We proofe the donations to our Community.


2% Shiba Inu burn support

Shiba Junior got a 2% fee, which is used to support his dad Shiba Inu. We collect those fees to buy and burn Shiba Inu token to supporting the burning of Shiba Inu.


Token Symbol

Total Supply
100 Quadrillion


Circulating Supply
26 Quadrillion

74 Quadrillion

Utility Token With Real-world Usage

Premium Dog Food 

Shiba Junior will launch it’s own Dog Food Brand soon.
The food will be available online and in retail. Earnings from dog food will be used to food dontaions for animal Shelters and burning of SHIBA INU Token.


• Buy it online & offline
• Pay with your favorite Crypto ($SHIBJR, $SHIB, $BNB, $BUSD and more.
• We will do large Food donations to dog shelters
• Helps burning Shiba Inu Token with each sell
• Customers  get free $SHIBJR Token each time they buy our Dog food


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