SharkRace Club

SharkRace Club

Created using Figma
SharkRace is a world of intelligent and merciless sharks competing for the RaceBank and unique NFT prizes deep down the shark's Metaverse.
To be announced
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Über SharkRace Club

SharkRace Club is the first NFT Project with Rarity Upgrade and play-to-earn Metaverse 3D Game. Their exclusive 20, 001 generative NFT Sharks collection was created by high-profile Cannes Lions award-winning artists, who have worked with top illustration brands including Disney. NFT Sharks vary by rarity index and are distributed randomly.

SharkRace Club exclusive 20,001 pieces generative NFT Sharks collection is created by high-profile Cannes Lions awarded artists who have worked with top illustration brands including Disney and created key visuals for the Olympics.

Built on the BSC blockchain the 3D collection has 1000+ hand-drawn traits ensuring that every NFT Shark owner gets a unique experience with his piece of art. Delivered in ultra-high 4K resolution (2400x2400), NFTs vary by rarity indexes and are distributed randomly.

SharkRace Club System

Each NFT Shark buyer immediately becomes a member of the SharkRace Club and receives valuable club privileges such as:

- Access to the Rarity Upgrade platform and grant in project tokens (SharkCoins)

- Lifelong royalties, voting rights, and staking preferences.

- Free Game-pack with three different gaming NFT meta-sharks and a gift card for the play-to-earn game.


Project token — SharkCoin

SharkRace Club has its native token SharkCoin (SHRK), developed on the BSC blockchain. SharkCoin can be used for all transactions, such as: buying an NFT, rarity upgrade, game transactions, marketplace, and can also be staked.

The total supply is 1 billion, initial market cap — $328, 420.

SharkRace Club Roadmap

SharkRace Club Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Jane Baranova
Head of International relations SharkRace Club
Kirill Elkin
CEO – SharkRace Club
Kseniia Medvedeva
Business Development Manager
Alexander Epin
Co-founder of the Sharkrace Club
Valeria Bury
Head of Community

SharkRace Club Letzte Nachrichten

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