Created using Figma
Shambala, a legend that has long existed-the earth is hollow, there is a reverse world centered on the underground sun.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    BALA/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 5.563E-8
    $ 12.634 K
  • BitMart
    BALA/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 7.5061E-8
    $ 6.066 K
To be announced
Handling fee: 12%, of which 6% is burned, and 6% is distributed to coin holders.
Weitere Details


In Shambala society, the identity of people, social relationships, land and property, commodity consumption, recreational activities, games, etc., are all realized by various NFTs.

This society has its own economic system-using BALA tokens, with the help of infrastructure such as BalaSwap and Market, all NFT social elements are connected and operated to form a diversified organic society.


Platform Token, universally used in the entire Shambala (BEP-20).


CHIP is GameFi's universal token, used for various in-game transactions including tool purchases and labor income.
Contract Address: 0x34bA3af693d6c776d73C7fa67e2B2e79be8ef4ED
Total Amount: Unlimited
Token mechanism:
No pre-digging, output at any time as the business proceeds. 
How to obtain CHIP:
You can use BNB to buy CHIP on exchanges such as BalaSwap,

PancakeSwap, etc., and charge it to your game account. You can continuously get CHIP by working in the game, If you find treasures, you will get a larger amount of CHIP rewards
CHIP is used to purchase labor and tools in the game, and pay in the game. When you leave the game, you can withdraw CHIP from your account and exchange USDT, BNB, BALA and other tokens in exchanges such as BalaSwap and PancakeSwap. 

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