Scotty  AI

Scotty AI

Created using Figma
In the vast and complex world of cryptocurrency, there existed a legend of a dog named Scotty the AI.
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Public Round 2
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
  • 1 SCOTTY
    0.0051 USD
Weitere Details

Über Scotty AI

Scotty AI is an innovative crypto project centered around AI. It combines advanced artificial intelligence with a deep understanding of blockchain technology to serve as a guardian and protector of the secrets within the crypto universe. Scotty Chat - The AI-powered crypto companion! Discuss cryptocurrencies, get market insights, and explore the world of digital assets. Staking Feature - put your Scotty tokens to work and earn on our Platform. ScottyAI token rewards will be distributed to users at a rate of 82.5 $SCOTTY per ETH block. Rewards will be payable over 3 years and are determined by your share of the staking pool and annual returns percentage. Scotty Swap - is your go-to hub for seamless and lightning-fast token exchanges. Powered by cutting-edge AI technology, Scotty ensures that every trade is not only secure but also optimized for maximum gains.

Scotty AI Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Scotty Community Launch
    Scotty AI Contract Audit
    Token Generation
    $Scotty takes on the high road with a robust marketing campaign.
    Presale Launch
  • Phase 2

  • Scotty Swap Launch
    Chat With Scotty Beta
    Blockchain Takeover
    Scotty Awareness Campaign
    Scotty Picks Beta
  • Phase 3

  • Token Listings: Launch $Scotty token on popular DEXs with ample liquidity and accessibility. Public Launch of $Scotty
    CEX Listings
    Community Partnerships Scotty Times digital newsletter
    CoinGecko/Coinmarketcap Listings

Scotty AI Letzte Nachrichten

Crypto Stats
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Market Info
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Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
ICO Price~$0.0051
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