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SCAMINA is a crypto token developed by a team of like-minded people who are not indifferent to contemporary environmental issues.
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Our team has developed a clear and understandable plan of activities in order to complete all the tasks of SCAMINA Project.  

At the moment, our social network is under development. It will help to reveal and discuss fraudulent projects in the crypto industry.  

The social network will have both charity and commercial parts that will help fund other evolution directions of SCAMINA Project. 

The development of a social network will provide a constant influx of users and investors, and that will help result in fast investment returns. 

We implement special commissions for buying and selling of SCAMINA Token, and that will ensure a positive development dynamics and growth of its price on marketplaces. 

This commission system allows SCAMINA Team to accumulate additional funds for the development of many environmental projects and SCAMINA Project itself. 

With these truly unique fee politics, we exclude all external manipulations on SCAMINA Token rate of exchange by third parties, which can harm our project image and SCAMINA Token rate of exchange. 

That's right. That means the sooner you invest in SCAMINA Project the more profit you will gain. 

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