Santas War NFT Epic

Santas War NFT Epic

Created using Figma
Santa Warrior NFT Game is the most addictive and immersive metaverse fight game to hit the holiday season. Players mint, explore luscious landscapes, fight, mine, and engage in PVP/ PVC competitions and events.
To be announced
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Über Santas War NFT Epic

Santa Claus has been kidnapped by the evil Christmas Cyber Grinch. Christmas is canceled if we can’t get Old St. Nick back. Mrs. Claus is going to fight to bring her man home. She has to fight through various levels against Dark Elves, Street Thugs, Evil Reindeers and The Grinch and his lieutenants to rescue Santa and save Christmas.

Players can use various interdimensional Mrs. Claus NFTs to fight and battle through 8 heart pounding levels. Players will earn crypto by playing or getting high scores. NFT Marketplace

Tokenomics Supply: 5 Billion Fair launch: 40% Team: 10% Unlock monthly in 24 months Play to earn: 50% Unlocked monthly for 24 months

Play to earn Users can earn tokens by participating the SAVE SANTA NFT Game NFT Marketplace Only 2,500 SAVE SANTA will be minted

Gameplay Free to play

Players can play for free with a non-NFT Mrs. Claus. Using SANTA tokens, players can P2E for huge earnings. Play-to-earn

Highest score or fastest time will earn. Blah blah blah...I’ll write more

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