

Created using Figma
Global Fantasy Sports Hivemind Built on the Ethereum Blockchain
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Bamboo Relay
    ROTO/WETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    ROTO/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0059
    $ 1.60
    ROTO/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0560
    $ 0.6109
  • DigiFinex
    ROTO/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.7909
    $ 2.003 M

Über Roto

RotoHive is incentivizing the creation of a global fantasy sports hive-mind with Roto (ROTO), an ERC-20 cryptographic token on the Ethereum blockchain. Users are paid in Roto when they perform well in our weekly tournaments. Users can then stake Roto to their models to win a larger share of a tournament's Ethereum prize pool.

RotoHive is a new type of weekly fantasy sports tournament that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. RotoHive users are asked to submit their fantasy player rankings for a slate of games (NFL week 1, The Masters tournament, etc.) and then compared against live results. New Roto tokens can be won in our weekly tournaments starting in NFL Week 5.

Roto Letzte Nachrichten

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