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A hyper-deflationary decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with yield farming and multiple features designed to optimize profitability.
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Plattform, Austausch

Über RobustSwap

RobustSwap is a revolutionary decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM) on the Binance Smart Chain designed to optimize profitability through scarcity and liquidity.

What makes RobustSwap different?

RobustSwap is the first decentralized exchange on the Binance Smart Chain to integrate an anti-bot and anti-flash loan yield farming feature that equally protects users trading the native token from the menace of front-running and liquidity sniper bots.

DeFi yield farming is the emergent trend on the Binance Smart Chain, with new projects appearing every day. The vast majority of these farms are clones that add little to nothing to the project that they adapted.

RobustSwap breaks this pattern and introduces several new features that optimize safety and performance.

Trade and Swap

RobustSwap allows users to exchange tokens on the Binance Smart Chain safely and quickly.

Earn RBS

RobustSwap Token (RBS) is the native token of RobustSwap DEX, with multiple features designed for price stability and growth which ensures maximum APR to investors in the RobustSwap farm and pools.

Users can earn RBS by:

  • By providing liquidity.
  • By staking in RobustSwap farms and pools.
  • By referring your friends.
  • By trading on the RobustSwap DEX after the launch of our AMM.

RobustSwap Roadmap

  • Q1 2022

  • During launch, the RobustSwap DEX will utilize the PancakeSwap factory and router smart contracts for swap and liquidity provision. While this is ideal in the short-term to attract more investors to RobustSwap, we will be migrating to our own factory and router contracts.
    This migration will allow us to gain control of the fees generated from transacting on the RobustSwap DEX. Generated fees can be used to incentivize users of the RobustSwap DEX and to further develop the Robust Protocol ecosystem.
    We will be making several tweaks to the RobustSwap DEX user interface for a smoother and more user-friendly trading experience.
    Auto-compounding pools that generate yields from users’ assets.
    RobustSwap users will be able to setup future price targets to automatically trade assets.
  • Q2 2022

  • Seamlessly swap and transfer assets across multiple chains including BSC, Ethereum, and Polygon.
  • Q3 2022

  • Mobile app for the RobustSwap DEX for both Android and iOS devices.

RobustSwap Letzte Nachrichten

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