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Roburna New Consensus Mechanisms POE proof of earn a new architectural network structure of nodes and validators.
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Weitere Details


We are next-gen blockchain service providers who specialize in providing the infrastructure, networking and development tools you need to launch your own blockchain.

Get started

Roburna also allows businesses and individuals to create and manage their own sub-chains within our Roburna main chain. All sub-chains will utilize Roburna ($RBA) or Wrapped-Roburna ($WRBA) as their gas token. This allows validators on the Roburna mainchain and sub-chains to earn across the entire Roburna ecosystem.

Eco-Friendly Blockchain

Roburna will be the first ever carbon negative blockchain in the world. This will be achieved through intelligent usage of solar setups and other green energy to run our nodes and services. By bringing sustainable energy to the core of our eco-friendly blockchain, we are able to help businesses and individuals reduce their carbon footprint.

BaaS - Blockchain as a Service

BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) is reshaping the way that companies do business. We understand that for many companies creating your own blockchain is way more exciting, and offers a lot more flexibility than just developing a crypto token. Unfortunately many companies aren’t technically equipped to build their own blockchain, no matter how good their ideas may be. Roburna BaaS is set to be the shortcut and help businesses achive their goals with blockchain technology.

Free internet "WEB3"

We gain access to 'free' internet services by not giving our personal data. Roburna services are open by default – you only need a wallet. These are free and easy to set up, you are in control and work without giving any personal info..

The internet of assets

Roburna isn't just for digital money. No limited are set as anything you own can be represented, traded and put to use as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). You can tokenise art and get royalties every time it's traded. Or use a token for something you own to take out a loan. The possibilities are growing all the time..


  • Q2

  • Update of smart contract framework.
    Oracle support.
    Official implementation of the Blockchain as a Service offer.
    Defi solutions for all types of companies with real world utility backed by RBA own dev teams.
    High security check to ensure investors dont get scammed.
    Release of NDA clientsli>
    Mainnet release
  • Q3

  • Software Development Kits for Dapp development.
    Wallet for roburna blockchain.
    Exchange Integrations.
    Participation in Blockchain events internationally.
  • Q4

  • Delegate staking opens.
    Roburna labs.
    Liquidity & Ecosystem Growth.
    Individual Green Certificates on Roburna Chain.

ROBURNA Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Lars Fabricius
Lars has been an IT developer and entrepreneur for...
Richard Van Zelst
Richard has been an entrepreneur for his whole lif...
Bjorn Mattens
Bjorn has been involved in the crypto industry for...
Sameer Shamim
CTO and Co-founder of a European full-service soft...

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