RLY Network

RLY Network

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Driving the next 100M users into crypto. 🟧 The RLY Network is an open, decentralized network that supports a diverse ecosystem of consumer applications.
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Über RLY Network

The RLY Network is an open, decentralized network that is powered by its native ERC-20 governance token, $RLY. It is a sidechain of Ethereum that supports an ecosystem of consumer crypto applications with the goal of driving the next 100 millions users into crypto.

The RLY Network Association supports new ideas to build innovative projects using the infrastructure and technology of the RLY Network. If you are interested, please submit your/


Rally.io is a social tokens and NFT platform that allows creators and artists to launch their own digital currency and to build sustainable, independent economies with their fan communities.

Powered by digital assets on the blockchain, Rally offers the ability to monetize through fans purchasing and using their social token and through crypto reward systems.

Fans gain access to benefits including NFT’s, unreleased content, private communities, backstage passes, early access to tickets, and exclusive merch - all while showing their fan loyalty by holding their favorite creator’s coin.

Unite.io is a platform that is revolutionizing the interactions between creators and their fan bases in Asia by putting power into the hands of creative communities.

By harnessing the power of decentralized technology and leveraging the digital technologies of Web 3.0, Creators and fans access to new forms of direct engagement and monetization, allowing communities to build their own digital economies. From creator coins to NFTs, digital goods to fan-to-fan interactions, new experiences can be built around existing models.

Built on the RLY Network, Unite.io enables the widespread minting of creator coins and other digital assets.

SuperLayer is a crypto venture studio led by Kevin Chou and Mahesh Vellanki, who between them have lauched multiple successful gaming and crypto companies including Kabam (free-to-play games), GenG (esports), Forte (blockchain for gaming) and Rally.io (creator coins).

SuperLayer builds tokenized consumer businesses, supercharging their development with crypto technology and expertise from Rally and Forte that can take a typical 2-3 year build and instead launch new business in 4-6 months.

SuperLayer develop concepts internally, recruit world-class founding PMs to lead the product, fund the early development until public launch and then help raise venture capital from leading investors in the space.

$RLY Ecosystem DAO is a decentralized, autonomous organization run directly by $RLY token holders to govern and distribute a periodically refreshed budget for the benefit of the $RLY network.

The objective of $RLY Ecosystem DAO is to foster an organic, rich community-driven ecosystem of developers, creators, businesses, and service providers for the $RLY Network ecosystem.

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