

Created using Figma
A platform for funding, monetizing & distributing film content using blockchain tech & NFTs: a curated filmverse in Web3.
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Über Ritestream

Ritestream is the platform for the creation and monetization of film and TV Cinematic NFTs created by allrites. This is a revolutionary concept in the film and TV industry where content creators with either a brand new idea or even an established franchise will be able to list their project on the Ritestream platform seeking support from the community. Supporters of the project can purchase fractional ownership of the NFT. The Creator is then able to produce their film/tv project through the funds made available through the fractional investors.

Ritestream Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Riaz Mehta
Founder & CEO at ritestream and allrites, Founder...
Damian Miles
Co-Founder and CTO at allrites and ritestream | Fo...
Mike Parsons
Chairman at QUALITANCE & Allrites
Michael Toedman
Global executive in media, marketing, content and...
Lucas Cullen
Blockchain Developer, NFTs, DeFi, Crypto

Ritestream Letzte Nachrichten

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