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RimauSwap is the first Decentralized Exchange (DEX) built for the Malaysian market on Binance Smart Chain. It is a Public Benefit Project for Malaysians, benefitting Malaysians in a sustainable way. We think and do beyond profit and care deeply about creating an ecosystem with sustainable social impact.
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Über RimauSwap

RimauSwap helps you to maximize your crypto asset value and contribute to the the local community while doing that. You can Trade, Earn and Contribute with us.

Key differentiations that set us apart from other DEXes include:

  1. It is the first Malaysian DEX built for the global crypto market.

  2. Make sustainability the key focus of its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ecosystem.

  3. Focus on local community as beneficiaries of the sustainable ESG ecosystem.

    Decentralized Finance (DeFi)  

    DeFi makes it possible for anyone to participate in financial products offered through permissionless decentralized blockchain network, rather than going through middlemen like banks or brokerages.

    Yield Farming  

    Yield farming is a DeFi concept where investors stake or lend their crypto assets to receive returns (yields).

    Why Did We Build RimauSwap  

    DeFi and yield farming has experienced an exponential boom in popularity, market cap and investors' interest throughout the world. While we are seeing growing interest in DeFi amongst Malaysians, we also observed that:

    1. there isn't a DEX created by Malaysians for global crypto markets.

    2. the DeFi market is still lacking a sustainable DeFi ecosystem.

    3. there is no DeFi project that focuses on giving back to the society in a sustainable manner.

    Everyone seems to be on the bandwagon of unsustainable high APR red sea which does not last unfortunately. Spotting the missing piece in the DeFi market, we decided to start the RimauSwap Public Benefit Project for the benefits of the Malaysians community.

    Sustainable ESG Ecosystem

    RimauSwap Public Benefit Project is a sustainable ESG ecosystem that focuses on creating positive social impact to the local communities. This is made possible by pledging revenue extraction from RimauSwap DEX to external DeFi yield farming and channeling the proceeds from this to the sustainable ESG ecosystem.

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