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We are revolutionizing how recruitment works by leveraging the power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency—here’s how. Everyone in Betts’ Connect talent network will receive RecruitCoin as payment for being part of it—the more engaged they are, the more RecruitCoin they earn. The Betts Connectors who make referrals to help grow the talent network will receive the most RecruitCoin. As our tech talent network grows, so does the utility of RecruitCoin—magnifying volume and value.
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100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Token Sale - 10%
Presale Token Sale - 2%
Founders - 3%
Early Contributors - 25%
Public - 60%
Firma gegründet
Jan 1, 2021
Weitere Details
Eingeschränkte Länder
United States

Über RecruitCoin

Betts Recruiting is a $20M business that has been focused on go-to-market tech recruiting in the United States for thirteen years. Tech's thirst for top talent far outweighs the candidate pool, creating a macroeconomic disjuncture. Over the past fourteen years, we have developed the largest pool of pre-vetted, engaged tech talent in North America. With over a million people in our network, we have 33% of US go-to-market tech talent already. Two years ago, we created Betts Connect—a SaaS talent platform—to solve the go-to-market talent acquisition problem.

The genesis of RecruitCoin arose from the question of can we continually and efficiently scale our talent network. Historically, there have been three ways to grow, scale, and incentive — create a social network (like LinkedIn), pay for it (like, or do what we have done and scale it up over time. The two biggest challenges for the social media and pay model for growing a talent network lie in the cost of incentives and tapping into the network effect. It is time intensive for a job seeker to fill out profiles across multiple recruiting platforms, only to get no opportunities. There is also a big miss in how LinkedIn uses the network effect to provide value for its talent network. RecruitCoin will solve both by paying job seekers for their time and data. And perhaps more importantly, will solve challenges with referral programs, namely that they are subjective, do not function in real time, and are rife with database issues.

By putting our referral program on the blockchain, we will create a network effect because all referrals will be immutable, payment will be in real time, and the coin will have true utility. Connect will be the first recruiting platform able to scale up any talent network, in any industry, vertical, or region in the world, through its incentivization and referral program. Each job seeker will be paid for being part of the referral program, incentivized for engaging and referring other job seekers. And those who are seeking jobs can unlock new opportunities by using RecruitCoin, as well as trainings, coaching, and more through a partner portal. Those partners will be able to use RecruitCoin for recruiting services, creating one of the few non-inflationary tokens.

Technische Information

RecruitCoin is a utility token built on the Polygon network. Anyone accepted into the Betts Connect Network will be given a unique referral code stored on the blockchain. When a referral from their network signs up for Connect, they will earn RecruitCoin for those referrals. As a Betts Connector, you know you will be paid if you refer your network.The Connectors will have the ability to earn residual RecruitCoin as their referrals engage with the platform, interview, and get hired.

RecruitCoin Roadmap

  • Q1 2023 | Initial Token Sale

  • Unlocking clients, clients paying, candidates to engage, paying candidates through engagement.
  • Q2 2023 | Network

  • Ability to unlock job opportunities on Connect and incentivize other network members for engagement.
  • 2H 2023 | Partner Network

  • Ability for services to be exchanged for RecruitCoin and partners to exchange RecruitCoin for recruiting services at Betts.
  • 1H 2024 | Network Features 2.0

  • Adding peer reviews, and team and hiring manager reviews on the blockchain.

RecruitCoin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Carolyn Betts
Founder & CEO
Cliff Mcbride
Chief Technology Officer
Josh Weisman
Patrick Kellenberger
Lauren Stempel
VP of Recruiting
Leslie Schmidt
VP of Recruiting
Sandra Polak
Director of Marketing

RecruitCoin Letzte Nachrichten

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