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ReChain relies on four product verticals focused on all aspects of Defi to make trading easier for consumer and institutional investors alike.
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Über ReChain.Finance

ReNotify ReChain provides the ability to set price alerts on multiple assets. Currently, there is no way on Pancake Swap to be notified about price movement. With ReNotify, a user simply has to set an actual or %-of-current price notification threshold, and he or she will receive an alert from the medium of his or her choosing: Telegram, text, email, or a push notification from ReChain. ReNotify is the optimal notification feature. II. ReWallet ReWallet provides extra functionality to create limit orders on decentralized exchanges. A limit order can be set directly from the wallet, and once the token hits the order price, the trade will execute. ReWallet offers the convenience of trading on centralized exchanges with the security of a decentralized platform.

III. ReExchange ReExchange allows the buying and swapping on specific blockchains (Polkadot, BSC, ERC-20, Cardano) IV. ReDex The ReDex cross-chain interface displays charts of tokens on different chains. BSC, ERC-20, and soon Polkadot tokens in one place will be readable from one source.

The ReChain Technology

ReChain Technology focuses on providing real-time trading tools to help make you as a trader more efficient and educated regarding your trading positions. I. Multichain Support ReChain will be integrated across several mainstream blockchains such as Ethereum, Polkadot & Binance Smart Chain, allowing traders to place orders on different chains all in one place. II. Friendly UX/UI When it comes to trading, there can be a steep learning curve; with ReChain’s trading interface, this will be a thing of the past; consumer investors will be more educated and compete with institutional investors without specific knowledge of technology. III. All-in-one trading toolkit We strive to make a platform that allows users to check prices, make informed decisions, and execute trades all in one place. The ReChain Deflationary Model To increase the value of the ReChain economical value and incentivize holders, we have implemented a deflationary model with anti-whale mechanics. Initial Supply 1 trillion tokens 6% of each transaction is sent into liquidity and then burned, making this the best mechanism for constant automatic líquididy growth. (i.e. for a transaction of 1MM, 60,000 will go to liquidity). 2% of each transaction is redistributed to holders. 2% goes into the reinvigoration fund for the development of the platform, product growth, R&D, exchanges, and marketing, eliminating the need for future capital raising from influencers.

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