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Rebus is a decentralized investment platform that uses a native utility coin, $REBUS, to allow a channel of asset managers and other financial institutions to manage and sell DeFi instruments along with their Traditional (TradFi) instruments.
To be announced
1,000,000,000 REBUS
Token distribution:
5% - Founders
0,57% - Board members
7,53% - Investors
1,2% - Financial team
2% - Financial partners
2,87% - Marketing & FInance
1,2% - Development partners
0,55% - Private pre-sale
2,5% - Public token distribution
6,81% - Airdrop
1,8% - Rebus treasury
63,57% - Rebus POS reward
Eingetragenes Land
United States
Firma gegründet
Jan 21, 2021
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp

Über Rebuschain

Rebus is a platform built to host blockchain applications (EVM) and native Vaults usable across multiple sovereign networks.

Rebus is a sovereign public blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem, aiming to provide an environment for the deployment of interoperable smart contracts. The network serves as a decentralized, permissionless & censorship resistant avenue for developers to efficiently and securely launch smart contracts using standard framworks.

At the heart of the Cosmos ecosystem is the Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC) and then the Interchain Account (ICA), which sets the table for an interoperable base layer 0 to now be used to transfer data packets across thousands of independent networks supporting IBC/ICA. This enables Rebus smart contracts and Rebus Vaults to interoperate with all IBC enabled networks.

The Rebus blockchain is built using the Cosmos SDK framework. A generalized framework that simplifies the process of building secure blockchain applications on top of Tendermint BFT. It is based on two major principles: Modularity & capabilities-based security.

Agreement on the network is reached via Tendermint BFT consensus.

Tendermint BFT is a solution that packages the networking and consensus layers of a blockchain into a generic engine, allowing developers to focus on application development as opposed to the complex underlying protocol. As a result, Tendermint saves hundreds of hours of development time.

Rebus is built on top of Ethermint and bring with it the EVM/Ethereum compatibility.

Rebuschain Roadmap

  • Q2 2023

  • During Q2, 2023, the first investment from the TradFi sector comes into the platform, the first TradFi product with an ISIN code goes live, and the staking, NFT, and Liquidity Pool financial products go live.
    In Q2 2023, Rebus lists on a Tier 1 exchange, and development of the stablecoin product starts.

    - Close on investment into Rebus Investments SA

    Additionally, the roadmap for the Nftdy platform (authentication API based on nftid) will be developed along with the term structure products. Also, the TradFi Vault requirements and architecture will be finalized.

  • Q3 2023

  • In Q3 2023, the stablecoin product goes live, and the development of the Nftdy platform starts. Additional Products offerings and partnerships will be announced, and the second TradFi product with ISIN code will go live.

    Additionally, the marketplace features expansion will be integrated with CosmWasm, and the Rebus TradFi Vault will be developed.
  • Q4 2023

  • During Q4 2023, the Nifdy, NFT drops, and the token gating platform goes live. Rebus gets listed on more exchanges, and the first version of Rebus TradFi Vault will be launched

Rebuschain Mannschaft

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Pier Stabilini
CO-Founder & CTO
Nicola Onassis
Co-Founder & COO
Paolo Baroni
Co-Founder - Financial Product Lead
Derek Wood
Franck De Girolami
Co-Founder - US CFO
Lunar Strategy
Marketing Partner
Code Particle
Development Partner
Brovember Rain
NFT Partner


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Giovanni Fumagalli
Brunello Pianca
Pierre Schiro
Co-Founder and Advisor
Roberto Stefanini
Strategic Advisor - Founder

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