Rebellion DAO

Rebellion DAO

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The Rebellion DAO is a movement that focuses on providing value and liquidity to its native REB currency. It’s a culmination of concepts from DAOs, NFTs, and DeFi that attempts to create a robust and sustainable economic model rewarding everyone that participates in the network.
To be announced
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Über Rebellion DAO

Rebellion DAO is an experiment that combines democratic governance, daily income for all, long term robust tokenomics, human identity, venture capital, NFTs, and incentives in an effort to build a strong ecosystem based around the new REB token. NFTs: Used as a bond mechanism to create demand for REB tokens increasing their value. Citizenship: Joining the Rebellion DAO is simple and offers you a permanent paycheck without having to do anything. Tokenomics: Creating demand for the REB token and then using that value to build an ecosystem where you can buy clothes, pay rent, or do anything directly with your REB. Governance: By joining the Rebellion DAO you can elect delegators that support and vote for your vision for the future of the Rebellion DAO. Everyone has an equal vote regardless of wealth.

Rebellion DAO Roadmap

  • Blockchain

  • Build a new EVM compatible blockchain with the REB token, governance, and citizenship built in natively at the protocol layer.
  • Incubator

  • Use 20% of all tokens to fund an incubator focused on creating utility and economic activity for the REB token.
  • Ecosystem

  • Onboard as much of the world as possible to distribute income daily in an effort to make the Rebellion ecosystem as large as possible.

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