Real Estate

Real Estate

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Letztes Update


Ample Energy will connect energy trading platforms through the digital system into the power plant industry Driven by renewable energy go to the future world.
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25Day UTC-0
100% abgeschlossen
0% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 100 000.00 USD
Limit 750 000.00 USD
  • 1 REST
    1 USD
Energy Trading Community & Ecosystem 34.2%
Engineer & System Developer 9%
Prevent Risk 15.8%
Activity Project Launch 0.8%
Marketing & Promotion 2%
Accident Insurance 5.2%
Organization @ Admin 5%
Loss Compensation 5.5%
Emergency Reserve 22.5%
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Ample Rich Investor Corporation
Eingetragenes Land
Thailand, Vietnam
Firma gegründet
Feb 5, 2015
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp

Über Real Estate

The Energy Blockchain project It is system Dual Token Ecosystem of BSC+ Polygon layer 2 interoperable block chain. developed a technology called protocol PoA , PoS and PoH On Multi chain Of EDAX Chain is being developed for which integrates the Ce-DeFi platform To make all this work, this uses less hybrid power than other types. instruction set design smart meter cause the calculation of the variance To connect and consolidate the grid, solve the problem of delays in receiving and transmitting electricity. and further development as a Point of Sale Solutions (POSS) in consumer products for green energy.


Real Estate (REST) Organized as Dual Token, working together in the ecosystem It is a platform where users can trade and exchange energy both through an intermediary and without having to go through an intermediary independently of each other. Renewable electric power, wind power or solar power. It also includes assets converted to tokens, solar rooftops, rental homes, condominiums, and transport sectors. or real estate by REST will be guaranteed with real estate It can be awarded as a reward to those who have contributed to the EnergyTrutol platform. It is also a Governance Token that gives holders the right to vote or suggest developments on the REST architecture. There is also a decentralized lending system. (Decentralized Lending Pools) where users can deposit REST Coins in exchange for installing solar rooftops.

Technische Information

Real Estate (Rest) Utility Token is a Solar Farm Ce-Decentralized Digital Assets on Energy Trutol Platform, Energy DEFI Farms 4.0, Project including REST SWAP, REST POOL, STAKING, SAVE, Lockup Dividend, Metaverse Land (Map GIS), Logistic, Borrow

REST tokens are designed to access energy, real estate, AI, iOT, education, to develop energy blockchain to reward participants such as marketing, accident insurance. Being a big data provider, the Real Estate REST token is a BSC BEP20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. The REST token is set to run on decentralized blockchain technology. Troubleshoot problems with power delivery for Energy trading B2B, P2P to ensure transparency and security of all financial transactions.

Real Estate Roadmap

  • 2018 Q1

  • Concept
    - Concept Generation
    - Team Assemble
  • 2020 Q1

  • Research
    - Proving the concept can work
    - Strategic Plan
    - Survey and procure the project building area
    - Team Assemble
  • 2020 Q2-Q3

  • Design
    - Platform design and technical demonstration
    - Building the MVP
  • 2021 Q1

  • Airdrop
    - White paper design
    - Airdrop AME Token On Show The Plan Project
    - Platform design and technical demonstration
  • Weiterlesen
  • 2021 Q2-Q3

  • App Beta Test
    - Private open and closed beta smart POS
    - Open beta launched to public and improvement the app
    - AME Listed on PancakeSwap, Warden in LP De-Fi
    - AME Liquidity Mining Started
  • 2021 Q4

  • Crowdfunding & Desing DeFi Farming
    - Crowfunding pre-sell partner IEO Press Tour
    - Collecting equity capital groups
    - Public financing & Seed funding raised
    - Smart contracts Deployed BEP20 Real Estate (Rest Token)
    - AME Listed on Mainstream Exchanges
  • 2022 Q1

  • Test Token Sale + DeFi Farming Crowdfunding Integration
    - Prototype published and linked to Ethereum ERC20 blockchain with real-time scanning
    - Open group sales support Equity token Energy Source IEO/STO (AME)
    - AME Listed on Binance, Coinbase, Huobi, Hotbit and Other Mainstream Exchanges
    - Open global LunchPad of marketplace cooperative module
    - Creation of a decentralize martketplace to neural network adjacent coefficients
  • 2022 Q2

  • Alpha Test
    - Contact Connection Building the MVP Energy Solar Rooftop
    - Run Project start up Energy Solar Rooftop 600Kw (Vietnam)
    - Platform LaunchPooling listing market trade exchange
    - De-Fi Farming
    - Cross-Chain Aggregation Trading Protocol Launched
    - In-house testing of functional
    - Establishing global user base
    - We started selecting a retailer to test the Rest token within the power plant project.
    - REST Lending Platform Launched
  • 2022 Q3-Q4

  • Beta Test MarketPlat
    - Run Project Energy Solar Rooftop 2Mkw (Vietnam)
    - Luanchpad REST Tokens
    - Listing REST Token on CMC, CG and Exchange
    - Marketplace cooperative module
    - Payment Integration Super Dapp
    - Integration of third party controllers
    - Integration with Pub&Private Multi Chains, More Coin in Wallet
  • 2023

  • Software Development
    - Develop the construction of renewable energy power plants within the project
    - Open beta launched to public and improvement the app
    - Integration Development De-fi farm Energy
    - Launch of Super Dapp Ample Smart POS Solution
    - Launch EDAX Energy Exchange
    - Launch of the mobile Best versions of the Publisher application and Press Tour.
  • 2024

  • More Operational
    - Launch Pre-test of Super Dapp Ample Smart POS Solution
    - Launch EDAX Energy Exchange
    - Launch Pre-test EDAXSC
    - New services offered by members or business
    - Integration Analysis Metaverst Land Real Estate NFT & GIS

Real Estate Mannschaft

Verifiziert 33%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Lun K. Kanthachawala...
CEO & Chairman & Founder Corporat
Anuruk Meemongkol
CEO and Co-Founder
Thampon Buntham
CMO & Lead Project Manager

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

Mr. Pham Huu Thanh
Senior Export Marketing Officer, Vietnam

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

Mr. Yingyai Phuwongs...
Supervise and promote marketing activities

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

Mr.sayan Sukpinit
Marketing & Sales Development Manager
Phatthasorn Phuriset...
Investment Consultant Agent for selling or redempt...
Wanpen Aesan
inter-organizational coordinator and joint venture...
Mr.akaradech Dechjar...
PR & Graphic Design Innovation


Annop Jinafhan
GM & Chief Technology Officer

45 ICOs

$6 907 475 Thanate...
Promote regional marketing activities

Real Estate Interviews

Lun K. Kanthachawalan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Real estate (REST) is organized as a pair of tokens working together in the ecosystem. It is a platform where users can exchange and exchange energy both through a medium and not through a separate medium. Renewable energy, wind energy or solar energy. This also includes tokenized assets. solar rooftops, condominiums by REST Token will be secured by immovable property It can award rewards to those who contribute to the EnergyTrutol platform. It is also a Governance Token that gives its holders the right to vote or recommend the development of a REST architecture. It also has a decentralized lending system. (Decentralized Lending Pools) where users can deposit REST Coins in exchange for installing solar rooftops.
What do you think about idea?
The ecosystem will help society and communities sustainably manage their energy resources. housing for real estate
Anuruk Meemongkol
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Analyze the system and plan the work for the project development team to be safe and complete.
What do you think about idea?
We connect technology Energy innovation, education, medicine, agriculture into the community.
Wanpen Aesan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
inter-organizational coordinator and joint venture marketing
What do you think about idea?
Connecting organizations to organizations by using innovation to connect organizations around the world, allowing everyone to access capital sources safely and without taking advantage of consumers.

Real Estate Letzte Nachrichten

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