Questland Metaverse

Questland Metaverse

Created using Figma
Virtual World same size as Earth!
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Über Questland Metaverse

Questland is an AR, VR, Geolocation based game / platform that connects the real world and the virtual world. The size of metavers in Questland is exactly the same as our Earth, and we can use all the tools to meet the needs of the virtual environment, such as land acquisition in Questland, mining in Questland, staying in Questland with our virtual avatar, own the house, car and clothes which the Questland gives the opportunity. Not only will the player play the game, but he will be able to rebuild the legendary Questland and create a new world. The Quest Team team is working hard to give each player and participant the opportunity to see the Questland area with real-world geolocation with the help of AR technology and experience the metaverse of Questland with VR

Players: The players of Questland Metavers need to exploit the beautiful Land of Questsland in order to recreate the ancient fairytale world full of beautiful nature and magic, using modern technology to develop it into a modern, highly developed adjacent world adjacent to the world we live in. In addition to extracting the natural resources and producing raw materials, it also cooperates with other players in the exchange of other types of raw materials, everyone will have the opportunity to discover and become the owners of real treasures that can be used in the real world, while having fun in search of treasures in the mysterious land of Questland, which is full of adventures every day aiming to reach a long-term big goal of building an empire by competing with other players in the construction and economy field of the land you own

Everyone will have the opportunity to discover and become the owners of real treasures that can be used in the real world, while having fun in search of treasures in the mysterious land of Questland, which is full of adventures every day. Players can take part in all kinds of activities, such as services, sales and entertainment of businesses operating in Questland.


  1. Sell virtual versions of your physical products to players
  2. House, car
  3. Clothing
  4. Other items
  5. Allow players to visit product introductions, menus, and catalogs in person or virtually.
  6. Organize a virtual event in your area
  7. Provide virtual rewards to your customers

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