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Explore-Compete-Conquer We democratize esports, you live the experience. Join the metaverse of next-gen games.
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QORPO WORLD is a blockchain developer with end-to-end solutions for the gaming industry. Our mission is to democratize esports and forge the bridge between Web2 and Web3. Join the ecosystem of tomorrow's standards with Citizen Conflict and AneeMate.

Citizen Conflict is a free-to-play shooter game designed to merge the best of both worlds - to deliver the competitive heat symptomatic of the esports game modes as well as to bring large-scale gameplay on the MMO open world map. The game doesn’t fall short on an immersive storyline, which finds three antagonistic syndicates and captivating heroes waging an endless war for dominance.

AniMate is a fantasy open-world adventure merging Action with Battle Royale. Conquer the mythical world built of Elements Island and catch the AniMates you’ll truly own. AniMates introduce fictional creatures with magical powers, unique designs, and body structures. They’re designed to trigger the cute sentiment of little kitties while instilling a crippling sense of imminent danger. Go catch ‘em all!

QORPO ID is the all-in-one ecosystem manager. In QORPO ID, you can launch and play games, manage your virtual assets, socialize, and involve in DAO voting. With the user stats and transparent leaderboards, QORPO ID is your gateway to esports tournaments and the entire QORPO ecosystem.

QORPO Market is the NFT marketplace dedicated to games and players. The ultimate place to buy, sell, and trade rare digital collectibles offers ease of use with a multi-chain experience. Discover unique NFT collections, and enjoy a seamless flow free of transaction fees.

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