PUML Better Health

PUML Better Health

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PUML Better Health is a Web3 Sports, Fitness and Wellness company gamifying healthy behaviours via challenges in the metaverse and real-world.
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100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
7% - Pre Seed
4% - Seed/Strategic
3% - Private
3% - Public
10% - Founders and Team
25% - Ecosystem Reserve
5% - Advisors
30% - In-App Gamification
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Über PUML Better Health

PUML Better Health is the original Web3, Move to Earn, Fitness and Wellness company from Brisbane Australia. After successfully launching Move to Earn for Corporates in 2021, we signed major companies such as Deloitte Aus/Singapore/SEA, LVMH, Singapore/Malaysia, Western Union and many more generating strong revenue growth.

We are now expanding our Web3 tech into consumer health, sports and gaming. Our vision is to gamify healthy behaviours via our virtual challenges platform and reward communities through gamification of physical movement and mental health challenges.

Encompassing both “Move to Earn” and “Move to Own” mechanics, we have produced the world's first Movement Finance platform.

What makes PUML unique?

Our newly updated (and iOS + Android ready) PUML app actively encourages long term exercise and app usage, our staking economy incentivises increased ecosystem growth and the B2B + B2C nature of PUML allows for multi-facing revenue streams.

Additionally, PUMLs mission in educating Web2 users on the benefits of Web3 is underpinned by allowing anyone to Move to Earn, without the need to purchase an NFT. We simply use a person’s health data to understand their daily steps and reward them with an in-game only token. From here, we can slowly drip feed new Web2 users with educational content around why they should engage with the Web3 world.



Prominent IP in PUML Movement Finance engine and API to provide returns for stakers.


Dedicated Athlete NFT and Metaverse Wrapable Marketplace enables the exchange of digital rewards for items in the Meta and real world (NFTs, Merch, etc).

Metaverse Games

Game Developers connect with the PUML API and reward users with PUMLx Coins for in game activities.

Wearable Integration

Compatible with Apple Watch, Garmin, Fitbit, Samsung, etc. Soon: integration with top VR fitness apps and games.


A dedicated Fitness Metaverse for Sports Brands, Games and Fitness enthusiast to join competitions in the Fitness Metaverse.

Challenges with Real Rewards

Move to earn NFTs, discount codes, merchandise and $PUMLx Coin. PUML NFTs and PUMLx coin can be staked for further rewards.

PUML Better Health Roadmap

  • Q4 2022

  • Public Sale Mainnet Launch PUML NFT Market Launch PUML Flagship NFT Minting
  • Q1 2023

  • Launching of Corporate API Onboarding of new Clients PUML User Growth and Acquisition PUMLx Node Staking
  • Q2 2023

  • Web2 and Web3 Brand Partnerships Access to the PUML Athlete Hub & Increased Metaverse Activity Play to Earn Integration with Metaverse Fitness Apps allowing users to earn rewards for being active in the Metaverse Compatibility with Metaverse Apps
  • Q3 2023

  • Pre-access to Gen 2 and beyond watches/Digital Wearables Metaverse-ready Watches (3D modeled) available on Metaverse Platforms including Sandbox, Decentraland, and others (TBD). PUML Sports and Health API Data protocol

PUML Better Health Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Damien King
CEO and Founder
Debora Kocak
Joel Martin
Emma Crudgington
Head of Sales & NFT Launch
Thong Nguyen
Head of Technology
Preet Deol

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