Pulse DAO

Pulse DAO

Created using Figma
The first generation of Algorithimic Stable Coin based sustainable solution for the future of DEFI on PulseChain and FTM
To be announced
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Über Pulse DAO

Welcome to PulseDAO Finance.   PulseDAO is the first of its kind product which aims to provide a sustainable solution for the future of DEFI launching on Fantom, PulseChain and many other networks. It's a fork of Tomb Finance and is based on an Algorithmic Stable Coin. It's a Non-Collateralized Stablecoin pegged to the value of 1 FTM which makes it a lot more capital efficient and stabilized due to the true use-cases compared to its collateralized counterparts. PulseDAO is aiming to be the first cross-chain algorithmic solution that will be deployed on Pulsechain right after launch.   The goal is to provide a sustainable solution for the future of DEFI on Pulsechain and Fantom using the battle hardened tokenomics of Tomb Finance. We would love to see Pulsechain investors enjoy the same success that Fantom ecosystem has seen over the period of many months. The ultimate goal is to create a real dynamic protocol based on a cross-chain algorithmic stable coin that will be used as a way to transferring funds between different chains. This will help to provide value to and derive value from the growth of multiple chains and the DEFI as a whole.   PulseDAO Finance is a DAO which means it’s a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. This means that the owners of $pSHARE are also the owners of PulseDAO Finance and can make and vote on proposals on changes to PulseDAO Finance. This also means that users of PulseDAO Finance need to be aware that there is always risk in using any Crypto service like PulseDAO Finance.   PulseDAO Finance HIGHLY recommends that any user of PulseDAO Finance read through all documentation in order to understand the risk and reward that using PulseDAO Finance brings with it. Nothing in this documentation nor on PulseDAO Finance or its social media channels is intended to be Financial Advice of any kind but should be seen as a Decentralized Autonomous experiment in user-generated content and creation.   Use PulseDAO Finance at your own discretion, and base this usage on your local laws. PulseDAO Finance is not allowed to be used in territories where protocols such as PulseDAO Finance are forbidden by law. “All values stated in this documentation are initial values at the start of the protocol. These values are subject to changes either from the team or by DAO vote”.

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