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Productivist ICO ist das erste Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerk, das private Hersteller und spezialisierte Hersteller mit der weltweiten Fertigungsindustrie und mit Kunden verbindet. Das Produktivist Block Chain Project zielt darauf ab, ein offener Datenstrom zu sein, in dem einzelne Unternehmen und Unternehmen der Größenordnung Industrial Revolution 4.0 unterstützen werden. Das Land der Fertigung hat den Punkt erreicht, dass hohe Investitionen, Verlagerung und aggressives Management die einzige Lösung für das Problem sind. Productivist möchte dank Technologie offene, kostenlose und globale Alternativen anbieten. Wir planen, international zu expandieren, Know-how aufzubauen, das wir bereits haben, und unser Netzwerk aggressiv auszubauen, indem wir wichtige strategische Techniken implementieren, die in den letzten zwei Jahren einen guten Ruf erworben haben.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 23 526 200.00 EURO
Limit 1 707 650.00 EURO
Harte Kappe 20 000 000.00 EURO
  • 1 PROD
    0.12 USD
61.7% - Token Sale
17.3% - Foundation
16% - Founders
5% - Bounty
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Eingetragenes Land
United Arab Emirates
Round 1 25%
Round 2 20%
Round 3 15%
Round 4 10%
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp
Hyperledger and Ethereum
Ja ,
Eingeschränkte Länder
China, Cuba, Iran

Über Productivist

Über Productivist

Seit der Konzeption der Blockchain im Jahr 2008 wurde ihr enormes Potenzial immer deutlicher. In der Tat ist der jüngste Erfolg eine stille Bestätigung, dass die Welt bereit ist, die Möglichkeit für alle zu erkunden, um zur Verwaltung des Datenstroms beizutragen, der sie steuert. Das volle Potenzial dieses Erwachens muss jedoch noch in allen Branchen umgesetzt werden. Die Productivist-Lösung ist die Antwort auf die enorme Leistungsfähigkeit, die diese Technologie der Fertigungswelt generell bieten kann.

Das Produktivist Blockchain-Projekt zielt darauf ab, einen offenen Datenstrom zu schaffen, in dem Privatpersonen und Unternehmen jeder Größenordnung die Industrial Revolution 4.0 unterstützen können. Die produzierende Welt hat einen Punkt erreicht, an dem die einzige Lösung, die sich durchsetzen muss, hohe Investitionen, Umsiedlungen und ein aggressives Management sind. Wir von Productivist möchten dank Technologie eine offene, kostenlose und globale Alternative anbieten.

Im Jahr 2016 haben wir geschaffen: ein kollaboratives Netzwerk, das 3D-Druckexperten mit potenziellen Kunden verbindet. Dieses starke und hochqualifizierte Netzwerk ist in den letzten zwei Jahren schnell gewachsen und wächst täglich weiter. Heute verfügen wir über mehr als 3000 zertifizierte Freelabster (sowohl Unternehmen als auch Einzelpersonen), die ihren Service sowohl für den privaten als auch für den öffentlichen Sektor anbieten. Das Produktivist Block-Chain-Projekt wird das Konzept von Freelabster nicht nur für alle Fertigungstechnologien öffnen und ihnen Zugang zu einer globalen Karte der Fertigungskapazitäten gewähren, sondern auch über das Smart Contract Protocol Sicherheit und Datenschutz bieten Es ist klar, dass die IoT-Revolution den Weg für die Industrielle Revolution 4.0 geebnet hat, wodurch die Produktion effizienter und vor Ort mit kleineren und intelligenteren Einheiten abgewickelt werden kann. Unser Ziel ist es, einen neuen Standard für einen Markt mit mehreren Billionen Dollar zu schaffen und dabei stets die Garantie auf Qualität, faire Preise und Effizienz zu gewährleisten.

Technische Information

Hier finden Sie unser gelbes Papier über Github des Productivisten:

Productivist Roadmap

  • S1 2016

  • Freelabster is born in France.
  • S2 2016

  • Freelabster open in IT, ES, GER and GB.
  • Q1, 2017

  • Important market research leads to new partnerships with major companies.
  • Q2, 2017

  • Democratization of 3D printing requires a new and more global approach.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Q4, 2017

  • The Productivist concept is mature and ready to be devtloped.
  • Q2, 2018

  • Productivist Blockchain Pre ICO.
  • Q1, 2018

  • Token Sale.
  • Q3, 2018

  • The productivist Blockchain Project is launched.
  • Q1, 2018

  • Freelabster is migrated to our Blockchain, token can now be used to purchase services.
  • Q2, 2019

  • The productivist Solution goes live.
  • Q4, 2019

  • The smart device hits beta version.

Productivist Materialien

Productivist Mannschaft

Verifiziert 26%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Mathieu Pesin
Co-founder OpenWood
Benjamin Fuentes
IBM Cloud Garage & Blockchain Advocate at IBM. Cer...
Alexandre Capetta
Co-Founder of BaleineFR


$3 800 000

Luca Benevolo
CEO of Cryptense. Blockchain expert & contributor....
Nikolay Syusko
10 years experience in leading European communicat...
Benjamin Pestel
Co-Founder & CEO
Stanislas Gobert
Co-Founder & CTO
Mélissa Ibghi
Co-Founder & CLO
Mazen Gharbi
Co-founder & Full Stack Engineer
Álvaro Canton
Co-founder & Head of Communications
Martha Scott
Strategy & Business Developer (EN)
Nicolas Merle
Blockchain Leader
Luc Yriarte, Phd
Blockchain Engineer
Jeremie François, Ph...
Blockchain Engineer
Zine-Eddine Hasni
Blockchain Engineer
Marcos Carvalho
Digital Strategist
Sandro Tavares
Designer / UI/UX
Ana Sousa
Designer / Illustrator
Nicolas Trimardeau
Traffic Manager


Verifiziert 17%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind


$13 700 000

Kirill Kazakov
Marketing Strategy Advisor


$3 800 000

Patrick Musso
Jean-Marie Le Sueur
Daniel Doppler
President at Colossal Factory and experienced in a...
Sébastien Griffon
CTO of Play it open, expert in smart contract and...
Julien Gobert
Payment specialist at Worldline, head of developme...


Han Xu Wang
Additive Manufacturing
Benoit Benich
System Administrator

Productivist Interviews

Benjamin Pestel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Co-Founder and CEO of Productivist
Stanislas Gobert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Co-founder & CTO
Álvaro Canton
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am a co-founder and head of communications. I am here to check that the correct information has been entered and to keep it updated for those who will invest in our business.

Be part of the industrial revolution 4.0 with us !
Nicolas Merle
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am blockchain leader on Productivist
Nicolas Trimardeau
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I help productivist going to the moon using Search Marketing and Growth Hacking.
Julien Gobert
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As an advisor, I contribute in sharing my vision of interactions between industry and blockchain usages and needs

Productivist Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 16
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized blockchain platform that creates an open data stream enabling private individuals and companies on any scale to contribute in the industrial revolution.


  • The platform connects all the machines  to the involved network  enabling detection of the production time available  and sending instructions  to the machines to provide  a real-time solution to the production schedule
  • The distributed manufacturing platform shortens  lead and delivery times  by splitting orders between numerous printers  making the   its use cost efficient
  • The platform uses certified freelabsters who are already seasoned  3D printers  users exploiting their experience  at the service of the clients  ensuring easy production process
  • The produtivist’s blockchain smart contracts  protocol decentralizes all the transactions and queries making them untraceable, anonymous and unhackable
  • The data collected within the productivist blockchain helps in building a reliable database that ensures that the purchasers and manufacturers  contracts is properly fulfilled  based on the platform track records
  • The anonymity provided by the blockchain system ensures that the purchasers  specifications of  their products  are fully protected  within the manufacturing system
  • The platform use  enables the manufacturers  to manage the orders  received ,arrange them by priorities  and delivery lines hence making the best production
  • The platforms timeline feature  enables real-time monitoring of the current projects  as multiple team, multiple materials and multiple technologies are gathered at a single location
  • The project is built around a team of experts  from the Freelabster’s founders  with exceptional  technical and legal skills  through the guidance of the CEO and the co-founder Benjamin Pestel


  • The platform white paper is not available in other languages
  • The funds raised by the PROD token  at the pre-sale  stage is not specified in the white paper
  • The platform lacks a properly generated  mobile application for easy integration of the manufacturing  process at the users convenience


  • The platform technical team should generate a mobile application where the manufacturers  can easily interact with the consumers
  • The platform should involve international qualified translators to facilitate the production of the white paper in other languages


The platform helps in facilitating faster and secure manufacturing process by involving all the companies despite their differences in the scales of operations. I would therefore invest in this project.



If you are an investor who is looking for an ICO that will truly shake things up, you may find that Productivist is the right choice to invest in. All other technology is becoming smart, so why don’t we augment the manufacturing sector as well?

Link Between Customer and Manufacturer: Productivist helps bring together those with the tools and skill to make goods and the customers that need them. There has never been a successful smart marketplace, but that’s not stopping Productivist, as they hope to take advantage of technologies that finally allow for it.
Works With a Range of Technologies: When it comes to versatility, Productivist is the best option out of any smart marketplace because it works with a wide range of different sectors. From biotech applications all the way to CNC machining, Productivist can handle it all.
Smart Contract Improves Security: When you send out a smart contract on the Productivist network, you won’t have to worry about your data being compromised. Everything is on the blockchain, so it is transparent and you can keep track of transactions and everything else that both buyer and business would like to have available.
Ambitious: When it comes to ICOs, there are always those select few that tend to get overambitious and collapse under the weight of their (and their investors’) expectations. While we don’t want to say that Productivist is one of them, their goal seems like a massive undertaking. Investing in this ICO isn’t necessarily risky, but we look forward to seeing this technology in action.

News, reviews

The Productivist platform seems well thought of with adequate information for interested parties. The information on the site is also simple and easy to understand even for beginners. Even if we can’t tell for sure if the ICO will be a success or not, overall we feel the site seems legit. However, we urge you to be vigilant in your investment plans.

Productivist digital platform sets to connect manufacturers and their potential clients. Through the use of the leading blockchain technology, the developers hope to solve the transparency and costly issues facing the sector. We find the idea intriguing, hence hope it’s heading for success.

News, reviews

There are a lot of things that you are going to have to do long before you part with any money to invest in the Productivist ICO and one of the very first things I would advise you to do is to look and see if there are any other companies offering what they are.

If so you will then need to look at just how large the potential market place is and whether you think that there are enough unique aspects to the Productivist concept that will make a business or service that people are prepared to use.

If so, then you will need to do your own due diligence which will entail you reading through both their white paper and the road map of this initial coin offering and then checking out each of the team members who are going to be driving the concept forward.

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