FinTech Connect Industry Benchmarking Report 2023


In Q3 of 2023, FinTech Connect surveyed 81 fintech leaders from across the UK, Benelux, the Nordics, and the Rest of Europe. The survey was conducted online. The results were compiled and anonymised by FinTech Connect and are presented with analysis and commentary.

Download your free copy of the report to read the full report findings and insights including:

1. The Power of AI: With 44% of respondents going all-in on Generative AI to stay ahead in the industry, this resounding endorsement underscores the transformative potential of AI-powered systems in driving everything from personalised customer experiences to data-driven insights that can inform strategic decision-making.

2. Regulatory Landscape: Regulation is needed to thaw the ‘Crypto Winter’ – 67% of respondents believe that for crypto currencies to thrive, more regulation is needed to ensure their long-term sustainability of digital currencies.

3. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: Web3 services are on the horizon, with 55% predicting financial institutions will offer successful Web3 services within two to five years. But Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are losing steam - a significant 85% of respondents indicate that they do not own any NFTs. Some may interpret this as a sign of waning interest or even a proclamation of the "death" of NFTs.

This report sparks crucial debates that will come alive at FinTech Connect, the premier event in London. It's an opportunity for the global fintech community to converge, explore these themes, and collectively shape the trajectory of fintech in the years to come.

Download the full report here: