

Created using Figma
Many of you may be familiar with the PoorFag ($FAG) memecoin, known as $FAG. It was created as a copy of $BONK with 2% transfer fee for every transaction, and a staking pool to collect the transfer fees, to exit the pool there is a 5% unstaking fee also going to the staking pool.
$FAG gained a decent amount of attention on Twitter. Unfortunately, the developer of the project (Telegram: @bestetherdapps aka Joe Blow) decided to sell his stake, and claimed he did this without warning in order to not cause a panic sell. Obviously this was not well received by the community and a massive price drop followed, therefore we have decided to create another project that would be 1:1 token swap for $FAG token.
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100% abgeschlossen
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Über PoorRug

Please see below for the most up to date information regarding the future of PoorRug. As has always been our intention, the community will be in control of future decision making.

1. How to farm Poor?

You first need to acquire some Poor tokens from Uniswap and some ETH. Then select the liquidity tab above to add liquidity and obtain Poor/ETH LP tokens.

You then need to press the Approve button to allow the contract to stake your tokens

After the approval has succeeded, you should be able to stake any amount of LP tokens

You can then harvest any $Poor that you have earned during the staking period! If you need any assistance, please message us on Telegram!

2. Why did we create Poor?

Many of you may be familiar with the PoorFag ($FAG) memecoin, known as $FAG. It was created as a copy of $BONK with 2% transfer fee for every transaction, and a staking pool to collect the transfer fees, to exit the pool there is a 5% unstaking fee also going to the staking pool.

$FAG gained a decent amount of attention on Twitter. Unfortunately, the developer of the project (Telegram: @bestetherdapps aka Joe Blow) decided to sell his stake, and claimed he did this without warning in order to not cause a panic sell. Obviously this was not well received by the community and a massive price drop followed, therefore we have decided to create another project that would be 1:1 token swap for $FAG token

Why another project? There is already an established community around the $FAG token, it makes sense bring them over to PoorRug.

The total supply of $Poor is 791,210. 491,210 is migrated from $FAG, 270,000 is liquidity farmed and 30,000 is reserved for marketing and development.

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