

Created using Figma
A next generation decentralized stable-yield aggregating farm on Polygon.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Quickswap
    0X2ED945DC703D85C80225D95ABDE41CDEE14E1992/0X7CEB23FD6BC0ADD59E62AC25578270CFF1B9F619 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0078
    $ 0.7360
To be announced
50% of the deposit fees will be used for marketing and development
20% of the deposit fees will be redistributed to SAGE holders via dividends
30% of the deposit fees will be rewarded to the team
Weitere Details

Über PolySage

PolySage Finance is a next-generation yield farming protocol on the Polygon network with lots of unique and creative features that enable you to earn a passive income.

We are trying to create a protocol like Yearn, but with a reduced token supply and high value for Polygon Network users, LP providers and stakers.

PolySage is PolyWise's second layer of farming.


Limited Token Supply

SAGE Token has a fixed supply of 4800. 600 SAGE Tokens will be pre-minted to provide initial liquidity and will also be used for partnerships, development and marketing.

LP Farms

On polywise you will be able to stake LP tokens in our yield optimized farm pools to collected earnings in SAGE token(s). Our multipliers are set up in a manner such that providing liquidity is highly incentivized and will most likely result in a positive ROI.

Staking Pools

PolySage community members can also stake farm tokens, well-established blue-chip cryptocurrencies, and/or stable coins in our yield optimized single-stake pools. Single-staking pools are a popular & relatively safe way to invest in the Defi as this method does not expose investors to the risks involving impermanent loss.

Auto-Sage Vault

Auto-Sage Vault will automatically compound your SAGE tokens. This allows our community members to enjoy their lives without having the dark burden of compounding manually constantly hang over them.

Dividend Pools

SAGE token holders will be able to stake their SAGE tokens to earn other coins such as ETH, WMATIC, DAI, USDC, and many more.

PolySage Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Contracts deployment
    Auto-Sage vault
    Website launch
    Audit by Paladin
    Complete Rugdoc review & KYC
    SAGE Token launch
    Listing on Vfat, Polypup UI & Dappradar
    Polypup UI
    Lock liquidity
    Apply to Coingecko and Coinmarketcap
    Marketing campaigns on rugdoc, telegram and twitter.
    Farming start
    Apply for vaults on Beefy
    Partner with other projects
    Deploy dividend pools
    Launch layer 3

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