

Created using Figma
Polkadot Parachain Community With Enhanced Rewards.
Earn Staking and Polkadot Parachain rewards at the same time
To be announced
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Über PolkaSyndicate

PolkaSyndicate is the first Polkadot Parachain community designed to create smarter Parachain investors and increase parachain earning rewards. 

The PolkaSyndicate Research team screens and investigates projects to find the best parachain contenders for the year.
Stake your PSYN tokens and earn staking rewards while simultaneously earning parachain airdrop tokens.
By becoming a Syndicate Staker you will automatically receive parachain rewards based on your Syndicate Level

How Does it Work?

1) The Polka Syndicate DOT Treasury stores over 25,000 DOT tokens and continues to grow

2) The Polka Syndicate Research Team provides research reports on the best parachain contenders for the community

3) The Community Votes on the best Polkadot Parachain to crowdloan DOT to from The Polka Syndicate DOT Treasury

4) in Exchange for the DOT loan the winning Polkadot parachain rewards the syndicate with airdrop Tokens

5) Parachain Airdrop Tokens are Distributed to The Syndicate Community Members Based on their Syndicate Level

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