

Created using Figma
PolkaPets is our answer to making blockchain more interactive.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über PolkaPets

The World of PolkaPets is an NFT Collectible Card Game Universe where each PolkaPet, embodied as an artistic creature, represents a specific project within the PolkaPet ecosystem. The abilities, behaviors, and strengths of each creature are connected to the specific vision of the Polkadot project that the creature represents. Each PolkaPet will hold a unique utility that rewards community members for holding that specific PolkaPet NFT in their wallet. This could be a discount on fees, an airdrop of tokens to PolkaPet card holders, and much more. Also, in the PolkaPets TCG, players will be able to pair their PolkaPets against each other in competitive gameplay. Players will earn rewards by winning tournaments, completing storyline tasks, and more.

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