

Created using Figma
PokeMoon is an evolving universe, dApp platform, and tokenomic ecosystem on the Binance Smart Chain driven by the best community in crypto. Astonishing adventures, opportunities to earn tokens, and incredible collectable 3D trading cards: PokeMoon has something for everyone!
To be announced
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Über PokéMoon

Our platform has 3 kinds of tokens with their own unique advantages. Meownaut is a deflationary token and the store of value of our platform. Staking Meownaut in the Daycare or in LP Pairs at the Gym will reward the user with Koban! the user with Koban is the central utility coin on our platform and can be staked at the Bank to earn PB. PB can be exchanged for awesome NFT packs!
Initial Supply: 100,000,000
Token Sale: Meownaut Bridge
Inflation: None
Tx Burn/Reflect: 2% / 2%
Initial Supply: Initial Supply: 0
Inflation: 4 Koban per Block
Initial Supply: Variable
Inflation: 8 PB per Block

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