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Playdex is a play-to-earn rental marketplace. Gaming NFT rental marketplace. The marketplace enables players and guilds to rent gaming assets from NFT holders, connecting all of the stakeholders in the P2E sphere through one streamlined platform.
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Über Playdex

Playdex is an NFT rental marketplace that allows investors to rent out their gaming NFTs to gamers and guilds.

We believe blockchain gaming will redefine the entire gaming industry. Through play-to-earn (P2E) models and asset ownership, gamers will become income-earning stakeholders of the gaming ecosystem.

Playdex is an easy-to-use platform for the skyrocketing blockchain gaming market. On Playdex, metaverse gamers can play and earn immediately without buying expensive NFTs. Guilds (organised player groups) can now focus on training and scaling their communities, no longer burdened by the hefty financial costs of gaming assets. While NFT owners can earn from their assets passively. 

Playdex empowers more people to have easy access to NFT games and reap the economic benefits of blockchain gaming.

On Playdex, metaverse gamers can play and earn immediately without buying expensive NFTs.


Playdex Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Daniel Laborada
Eduard Iskandarov
Head of Engineering
Thea Santos
Head of Operations
Bernadette Misa
Product Lead
Wesley Dela Cruz
Growth Lead
Ron Hose
Head of Product
Luis Sia
Head of Business Development

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