Farooq A Rahim

Founder - HeapX . Entrepreneur . Investor . ICO Advisor . BlockChain Strategist
$ 3,206,736
Projects Raised
About Farooq A Rahim
I am an entrepreneur, product designer and a person who loves to work with innovative new technologies. I enjoy working with founders, engineers to create products, tell stories, and turn them into reality. I am currently working with multiple startups as Product Designer, Angel Investor & Technical Advisor. My first interaction with Bitcoin was in 2011 and has also been an early adopter of altcoins. My interest in cryptocurrency & blockchain technology inspired me to start HeapX, a fintech startup based out of London in 2018. At HeapX, my primary focus is to build an intuitive, highly scalable & secure Crypto Payment platform & Trading Exchange. You can Reach me either through LinkedIn or via Telegram: https://t.me/farooqarahim
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