Andrey Kulikovskiy

entrepreneur and marketer
$ 3,130,000
Projects Raised
About Andrey Kulikovskiy
I design and implement social media and digital strategies for funky businesses for profit and for fun. • Social media and digital strategist with agency and in-house background including over four years of digital and traditional PR and event marketing experience. • Brand experience includes: Rosnano, Goverment of the Leningrad region. • Digital experience includes strategy, branded channel development, community management, integrated campaigns, social media relations, training, SEO, website management and online retail. Specialties • Digital - social media strategy and innovation, blogger relations, social creative campaigns, ambassador programmes, branded channel development for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc., community management, training, reputation management, monitoring and measurement. • PR (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), product launch, integrated marketing and communication campaigns and measurement. • Branding, positioning, strategy, ideation and event management.
  • Московский Государственный Областной Социально - Гуманитарный Институт (бывший Коломенский Государственный Педагогический Институт)
    • Специалист
    • История
  • Гимназия №9
  • Auchan
    • Head of Marketing e-commerce
  • Homework educational services
    • Head of Marketing
  • Телекомпания "Спутниковые сети"
    • Руководитель отдела рекламы
  • See 3 more
    • Head of Marketing
  • Триколор ТВ
    • Менеджер по интернет-коммуникациям
    • Head of Marketing
Advisor in
Associated ICOs
MOS Lottery ICO
MOS Lottery ICO