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P2PB2B‌ is an advanced cryptocurrency exchange that works for the benefit of its users. In order to make your trading even more convenient and safe, the platform has all the necessary features and tools.

P2PB2B cryptocurrency exchange platform offers for the Community its own PACT native token.PACT is designed to make users' experience more convenient and profitable. It allows to get increased profit, save funds on comissions and get exclusive airdrops for Community members only.
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Über P2PB2B

P2B Cryptocurrency Exchange, one of the biggest international digital assets exchanges with $1.5B daily trades, offers the best go-to-market experience for crypto projects and the widest variety of tokens multiplied on exciting trading functionality for users.

Our team started in 2017, and now P2B is the best “place-to-be” in crypto for fundraising, launching, and entering the market experience for crypto newcomers. Thus, you won't find another exchange with such a vast number of freshly listed coins. We’re heading the market with crypto innovators and entrepreneurs alongside users and enthusiasts.

P2PB2B cryptocurrency trading platform was founded in 2018. P2PB2B Exchange is not just a cryptocurrency exchange platform but also a trusted partner for crypto projects. Our Crypto Startup Partner initiative provides trading consulting, and helps our clients develop their community, support liquidity, create growth strategies. P2PB2B runs token sales of the promising crypto assets, enabling users to easily invest in new currencies. There are also available services for users such as the earning deposit program, regular gamification events - airdrop, trading competitions, referral program games.

The platform is compliant with OWASP TOP 10 security requirements and is recognized as the world's 12th most Trust Core secure crypto exchanges according to CER rating. P2PB2B utilizes the high processing speed with the ability to handle up to 10,000 trades per second, scaling to 1,000,000 TCP connections. Our KYC identity verification process leverages AI-powered technology which speeds up the authentication process. Live support is an essential advantage for users.


PACT Community Token
P2PB2B cryptocurrency exchange platform offers for the Community its own PACT native token. PACT is designed to make users' experience more convenient and profitable. It allows to get increased profit, save funds on commissions and get exclusive airdrops for Community members only.

Lowest fees in the market
P2PB2B is the best crypto exchange to newbies and professionals in crypto. We offer competitive cryptocurrency exchange rates and discounts on trading fee for PACT holders.

Designed according to OWASP Top 10 Standards
We store 96% of all coins in cold wallets. All your funds are safe, under your own control.

P2PB2B Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Hashem Cemirany
CEO Britto
Jeff Ownby
CEO CoinClaim

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