Osmium DAO

Osmium DAO

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OsmiumDAO represents a risk managed treasury owned by the community. It aims to create a sustainable, perpetual treasury owned directly by the token holders, governed by OsmiumShare NFT holders. The DAO also aims to grow the treasury and pay out rewards periodically to holders. Finally, the DAO plans to educate the broader crypto community on the benefits of risk managed, diversified portfolio management in a decentralized way.
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To be announced
Founders 2%
Co-Founders 2%
Marketing 6%
Treasury 25%
Community 65%
Weitere Details

Über Osmium DAO

Osmium DAO will be governed by the OsmiumShare NFT holders, who have at least a minimum required amount of OSM tokens as determined by the community on a quaterly basis. NFT holders are responsible for adding and removing members from the Board, and participating in working groups to assist in maintaining growing the DAO.

Board members are responsible for coordinating all DAO actions and implementing the outcome of the community votes, with the exception of treasury management. The board will be able to create necessary working groups for education, community outreach, marketing, fund raising and other necessary tasks. The board is also responsible for adding and removing members from the Investment Committee (IC).

IC members have one sole responsibility, treasury management. They will be investing the treasury into different tokens, DeFi strategies, RealFi strategies, token liquidity management, and making decisions around distributions to token holders.

Token holders are the claimants on the treasury. The treasury is owned by them, managed by the IC. If the treasury is voted to be dissolved (by the NFT holders), the treasury will be distributed pro-rata to the token holders. If the IC decides to distribute any amount of treasury value, this value will be distributed pro-rata to tokens held.

Osmium DAO Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • DAO formation (Community Cofounders)
    Website Development
    Marketing and Community building
  • Phase 2

  • OG OsmiumShare Fundraiser NFT Mint
    $OSM Token Launch on a DEX
    Establishment of OsmiumDAO Governance Constitution (OGC) to be adopted and passed through voting by pioneers
    DAO Governance framework (Branches) formation and working groups.
    Incorporation of onchain governance framework using tools from ADAO, Clarity or Summon platform (When live and ready).
    Establishment of Investment Strategies and Strategic Asset Allocation by Investment Committee to be adopted and passed through voting by pioneers.
    More partnerships and Marketing.
  • Phase 3

  • Osmiumshare General NFT fundraiser mint (OsmiumDAO Shares Auctions).
    Further investments and DAO expansion.
    OSM tokens buy back.

Osmium DAO Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Lawal Musa
Mauricio F. Prieto D...

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