Osimi City

Osimi City

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Welcome to Osimi City, where players immerse themselves in a GTA Game with Metaverse Version based on the Blockchain
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Über Osimi City

Osimi City: The First Metaverse Game And SocialFi

Osimi City is an open world action-adventure game, built on the Binance Smart Chain network and Ethereum platform. It was developed by Osimi City Pte. Ltd., based in Singapore. Osimi City is the ingenious combination of the Metaverse, NFTs and the Play-to-Earn business model. With eager anticipation, this game promises to excite and entertain! Osimi City is poised to dominate the blockchain gaming genre - beginning in 2022!



    Engines rev! Get ready for high acceleration! Racing is an amazing mode in Osimi City. Players maneuver their vehicles at high speeds through the streets of the city. Rally against in-game characters or in PvP (Player vs. Player) races.


    PvP Osimi League: Up to 6 players can participate with the same map, in a 3v3 gun battle (room). The objective of the battle is to destroy all enemy troops before they can destroy yours. Each match consists of 10 rounds. The team that wins 6 of 10 rounds is the winner of the tournament.

  • Open-World Metaverse

    Owning land is an expensive endeavour. Players will spend large amounts of money to purchase a property on the outskirts of Osimi City. Property owners will be developers and also act as community leaders. They are responsible for creating and implementing their own economies and ecosystems.

  • Tournaments

    "The OCS & OPL provides tournaments and ladders for the racing and shooter game mode of Osimi City. The OCS is the first cup on the league ladder and is open to everyone for racing games and the OPL is for the shooter games. Competitive players can enter the world of Blockchain eSports through it. That’s where new talents can be found and drafted.

    The OCS and OPL are owned by OSIMI CITY PTE.LTD. Each league has its own rule and regulations. The prize pool for these tournaments is millions of dollars and players can participate in both tournaments. In the OCS, the players will compete as individuals and in the OPL, the players will compete as teams."

Osimi City Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Michele Zilocchi
Lê Quang

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