

Created using Figma
Own a tree and Earn money
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Orne

Introducing Orne,the green investment

Orne will let you purchase tokenized real trees and redistribute the full profit of their harvest back to you.
All the forests will be maintained in a eco-friendly and responsible way to guarantee that your investment is not only benefiting you, but also the planet.

The project'sbuilding blocks

Orne has a foot in both the digital and the physical world.

The company

ORNE SAS will be a registered French company, sustainably taking care of the Orne forests.

The token

Join our ICO to buy the $ORNE token. This will allow you to buy trees before everybody at a preferential rate.


Each tree is represented by its own NFT. Owning a tree gives you the right to claim the profit once it gets harvested.

The platform

A modern web application for users to trade and manage their trees. Making all the blocks work together.

Orne Letzte Nachrichten

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