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Orbitcoin is a PoW/PoS coin that is the first coin to implement 0% PoS staking. Orbitcoin's goal is to be used on the normal Internet and darknets like I2P/Tor. At the moment, Orbitcoin works with SOCKS over I2P/Tor. Native support for I2P will be in place soon. Orbitcoin is one of the oldest PoW/PoS altcoins that was launched on the 30th of July 2013. Orbitcoin is founded by Ghostlander, a male located somewhere in Europe.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Freiexchange
    ORB/BTC vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1216
    $ 0.3803
  • Unnamed
    ORB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0753
    $ 1.35
  • Unnamed
    ORB/LTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0281
    $ 0.0628
  • Unnamed
    ORB/UTIP % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0
  • Unnamed
    ORB/DOGE % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0692
    $ 0.2770
  • Unnamed
    ORB/DOGE % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.7205
    $ 4.87
  • Unnamed
    ORB/LTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.3520
    $ 5.86
  • Unnamed
    ORB/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.2602
    $ 0.6007
  • Unnamed
    ORB/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
  • Nova Exchange
    ORB/DOGE % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0319
  • Nova Exchange
    ORB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.3624
  • Trade Satoshi
    ORB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.2482
  • Trade Satoshi
    ORB/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1746
  • Trade Satoshi
    ORB/DOGE % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1826
  • Trade Satoshi
    ORB/LTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1362
  • Cryptopia
    ORB/LTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.3047
  • Cryptopia
    ORB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1848
  • Cryptopia
    ORB/DOGE % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.1182
    $ 18.33

Über Orbitcoin


advanced hybrid proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS)
fixed rate of 33% PoW blocks and 67% PoS blocks
3.77 million coins to be produced

block hashing is BLAKE2s
PoW hashing is NeoScrypt
PoS hashing is SHA-256d

2 minutes combined block target (6 minutes for PoW, 3 minutes for PoS)
retargets every block using Orbitcoin Super Shield (OSS)
time warp and instamining protection
advanced checkpointing against 51% attacks
transaction messaging supported
the 1st implementation of 0% PoS
PoW and PoS blocks carry the same fixed reward of 1 ORB
coin age for PoS: 1 day min. to 16 days max.
6 confirmations for regular transactions
200 confirmations for minted coins
very low transaction fees (most transactions are free)
no destruction of transaction fees (all collected by a block finder)
the default P2P port is 15298, RPC port is 15299
I2P/Tor ready

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