Open DeFi

Open DeFi

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Open DeFi is a global community advancing the collaboration of DeFi protocols across blockchains and borders.
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Über Open DeFi

Established by a group of leading DeFi protocols across the globe, Open DeFi is a member-led organization composed of Web3 leaders & DeFi founders with deep expertise in financial applications, global crypto markets, early stage investing, protocol engineering, cross-chain technologies and smart contract innovation.

Today the DeFi ecosystem is limited to the early adopters and innovators with a lack of sustainable liquidity that is essential for stable financial markets. The complexities of the applications running on decentralized networks are not standardized for security, scalability, and liquidity for the average user is participating for attractive incentives without truly understanding the security implications of making those investments.

The community of users and investors are often siloed in using technologies and networks built for specific regions and languages, with few channels to get exposure to global innovations.

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