

Created using Figma
OneBit is a payment token for the service of accepting payments for websites selling information products.
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Über OneBit

And what will the OneBIt token be backed by?

OneBit is a decentralized service that accepts payments for information sites that sell information products.

If you have created an electronic product, a training course or provide paid services and you need to enable payment acceptance on the site?

Then the OneBit service is what you need! Just connect to our decentralized network and add your website. Start accepting payments instantly with all popular decentralized payment methods.

We will provide your customers with a convenient and understandable form of payment and detailed video instructions, making the decentralized payment process as simple as possible for your customers.

You can limit yourself to accepting cryptocurrency payments, or you can connect a ready-made affiliate program for your website or to provide online services, set the percentage of deductions for your partners to promote your website.

Affiliate percentage rewards start from 65% to 80%. This means that every willing person, after becoming a partner, thanks to our service, will begin to earn decent and stable income.

OneBit Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Pablo Johnson
CEO and Lead Developer of the OneBitPayment Affili...
Richard Penkston
Project Designer and BlockchainLead platform devel...
Carlos Moser
Chief Marketer of the project.Over 10 years of mar...

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