

Created using Figma
Simple multi-chain Private Transactions
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Über OmniWhirl

DeFi users are vulnerable to surveillance due to the immutable and transparent nature of public blockchains such as polygon. In public blockchains there is no privacy for on-chain transactions. Institutions and Retailers are at risk by having their transaction history monitored, methods reverse engineered, hence losing their competitive advantages and privacy.

OmniWhirl aims to solve your privacy.

OmniWhirl is a completely decentralised platform for making private transactions on Polygon.

OmniWhirl will help you preserve your privacy, incase your identity and addresses are linked and exposed.

You can transfer all your funds to a new address without exposing your link to previous addresses.

OmniWhirl's Token $WHIRL

At OmniWhirl our goal is to build a completely decentralised private transaction ecosystem that users can rely on, forever. To set us up on a path to full-decentralisation and autonomy, we introduce the $WHIRL token. This enables the protocol to implement a novel mechanism for stakers of $WHIRL to earn rewards through pool fees, a fee burn mechanism and governance.

OmniWhirl Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Gust Maker
Product Lead
Whirl Master
Lead Development
Poly Max
Systems Engineer

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