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Obizcoin entwickelt Smart Process BOT für Roboter-Prozessautomation in Startups und KMU. BOT wird in der Lage sein, Geschäftsprozesse mit Hilfe von KI und Ethereum Blockchain Technology zu entwickeln und zu improvisieren.
100% abgeschlossen
$36 700 553
harte kappe
244% harte kappe abgeschlossen
Limit 1 500 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 10000 OBZ
    1 ETH
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details
Kryptowährung, Geschäftsdienstleistungen

Über Obizcoin


  • 80% der Startups und KMU scheitern aufgrund ineffizienten "Business Process Managements"
  • Ineffiziente Prozesse in der Organisation verursachen jedes Jahr 20 bis 30 Prozent ihres Umsatzes.
  • Ineffiziente Geschäftsprozesse haben fünfmal mehr negative Auswirkungen auf den Kunden als die Lieferung eines schlechten Produkts.
  • 66% der Unternehmen scheitern in den ersten fünf Geschäftsjahren
  • 80% Probleme entstehen, weil interne Prozesse, die nicht reden & rsquo; miteinander

Obizcoin sieht vor, dem Startup & amp; KMU-Sektor bei der Entwicklung eines organisierten und nachhaltigen Geschäfts. Die Gründer von Obizcoin betreiben seit 5 Jahren eine Prozessberatung, Your Retail Coach. Mit dem Fortschritt in der Technologie zielte YRC darauf ab, sein bereits erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell auf ein neues technologisches Niveau zu heben, indem Smart Process BOTs entwickelt wurden. Der OBIZCOIN-Token-Verkauf ist eine Gelegenheit, an dem zusätzlichen Gewinnanteil der BOT-Dienste teilzunehmen. OBIZCOIN (OBZ) ist ein ERC-20-konformer Token, der auf der Ethereum-Plattform entwickelt wurde.


<! - [if! supportListen] -> 1. <! - [endif] -> GESCHÄFTSPROZESS-MANAGEMENT:

OBIZCOIN & nbsp; BOT unterstützt Organisationen bei der Gestaltung dieser Prozesse, indem sie das Team auf diese Prozesse abstimmt, Aufgaben verteilt, sie überprüft und analysiert und sie belohnt.

DAPP wird über APIs verfügen, um sich mit verschiedenen Software zu verbinden, die von der Organisation verwendet wird, um Daten abzurufen und nutzbar zu machen. Darüber hinaus kann die Organisation eine Analyse des operativen Risikoergebnisses durchführen lassen, um zu verstehen, wie stark ihre Geschäftsprozesse sind und wie gut ihre Organisation funktioniert.

BOT wird eine dezentrale Plattform sein, die es anderen Unternehmensberatern ermöglicht, ihre Prozesse zu entwickeln und für ihre Kunden zu nutzen. Somit ist es ein automatisch skalierbares Modell mit mehreren Nutzen.

<! - [if! supportListen] -> 2. <! - [endif] -> OPERATIONAL RISK SCORE ANALYSE

Eines der Hauptmerkmale von Obizcoin BOT ist die Analyse des operativen Risiko-Scores, die durch einen einzigartigen Risiko-Score-Algorithmus erhalten wird. Dies ist eine umfassende Punktzahl von Unternehmen, die für KMU, Startups und Investoren hilfreich sein kann;

<! - [if! supportLists] -> & bull; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; <! - [endif] -> Grad der Prozessimplementierung innerhalb der Organisation,

<! - [if! supportLists] -> & bull; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; <! - [endif] -> Messen Sie die Teamleistung im gesamten Unternehmen

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Technische Information

BOT wird in der Lage sein, Geschäfte zu entwickeln und zu improvisieren Prozesse mit Hilfe von AI und Ethereum Blockchain Technology Perpetual upgradation in Business Intelligence wird die BOT machen schlauer, was schließlich zu dem Prozess beitragen sollte Exzellenzquotient der Organisation.

Obizcoin Roadmap

  • 2013

  • 2014

  • 2015

  • 2016

  • Weiterlesen
  • Q4 2017

  • Q1 2018

  • Q4 2018


Obizcoin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 67%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Abhishek Prasad
Partner & CTO
Amit Upadhyay
Technology Partner
Dmitrii Sunka
Smart Contracts Development
Varun Shah
Founder & CFO
Rupal Agarwal
Founder & CSO
Nikhil Agarwal
Founder & CEO


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Dilpreet Sidhu
Legal Advisor
Umar Shariff
A.I. Advisor

Obizcoin Interviews

Dmitrii Sunka
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Smart contract development and blockchain tasks' management my initial role as a part of OBZ team.
Varun Shah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
OBIZCOIN aims to develop world’s first Smart Business Process Automation BOT based on AI and Blockchain technology. Managing business processes efficiently, is one of the key factors required for Start-ups & SME Businesses to sustain & growThese include things like hiring the right people & retaining them, delegation & automation problem, lack of required domain knowledge, people dependency, cash flow management, balancing quality and growth, customer delight, inventory management, maintain the service standards and many more. Luckily, AI and Blockchain technology can bring a smart solution for such repetitive problems. By mid-next year, things are going to change, and a new opportunity will be created where you will be able to get a CEO in the form of a Smart Business Process Automation BOT which will design your processes and also delegate tasks as per those processes to your employees. It doesn’t end here. It will then analyse their performance and reward or train them according to the performance result.
OBIZCOIN platform will possess API’s for integration with Industry leading ERP, task management, project management, Biometric and other software like SAP, Tally, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, Oracle, fulcrum etc. to fetch data from various sources making it possible for fetching and using important data. This linking will help you consolidate and analyse information provided by various software and become a BOT DAPP that you can use on a consistent basis and rely on for taking major operational decisions.OBZ tokens have multiple utility ranging from buying services provided on the platform to availing products and services of vendor partners. OBZ tokens will allow access to OBIZCOIN Decentralized Platform. A few services like Operational Risk Score Analysis will be availed exclusively through OBZ tokens. Tokens will be used for rewarding employees, developers, associates.
Operational Risk Score Analysis will provide more accurate and transparent information on the operational health of an enterprise. This can be used by company’s to keep a check on their operational health, by investors to assess the operational health of an enterprise they wish to invest in.
A company’s operational health is always misconstrued, and a judgement made on the company without assessing its operational capacity can produce poor results

OBIZCOIN will provide following services

1. Business Process Management
• Designs Processes
• Aligns Team
• Monitors Progress
• Reviews Efficiency
• Rewards Team
• Upgrades Process
Excellence in Business Process Management can be achieved by developing SOP’s in the organization. Standard operating procedures are a set of instructions that address the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY AND WHEN of an activity. SOP defines the responsibilities, authorities and reporting structures for every hierarchy within the organization
Smart BOT will design these processes for the organization. BOT will also implement these processes by allocating team to these processes. Tasks will then be allotted to the team automatically based on developed SOP’s. These processes can be customized by the businesses, to suit their requirements. This process amendment is a major thing that BOT platform allows because of which its utility will be humungous since any business consultant can use their platform to create processes for his client. Business consultants will pay in OBZ tokens to get access to their platform.

2. Operations Risk Score Analysis
One of the key features of Obizcoin BOT is its Operational Risk Score Analysis obtained by unique risk score algorithm, which is a comprehensive score of businesses which shall be helpful for SMEs, Startups and Investors to find the following;
• Degree of Process Implementation within the organization,
• Measure the team performance across the organization
• Organization’s Strengths & Weaknesses

1. Incremental Profit sharing starting from 30%
2. Minimum Guarantee Return of 1% per month until BOT development is complete or 1 year from end of ICO
3. Buyback and destruction of tokens every month in the first year to increase the value of remaining tokens as a reward to token holders

1. Incremental Profit Sharing

OBIZCOIN Team suggests, the best way to reward investors is to share the profits of the company with them since without them, it would have been impossible to execute a project of this scale. So, they have made a incremental profit sharing plan. With the rise in sales of BOT services, profits distributed for investors will also increase. This will ensure that long term investors get a benefit of a greater share in profits.
First year of Business: 30% Profit sharing for token holders
Second year of Business: 40% Profit sharing for token holders
Third year of Business onwards: 50% Profit sharing for token holders
The balance profits shall be reserved by the company and used for its future developments and expansion of services as well as markets. This will add new users to the user base of OBZ tokens which will likely generate more demand for OBZ tokens over a period of time.
Total collection from sales of BOT services shall be collected in a Sales Pool Wallet. Profits shall be automatically distributed in the pre-defined ratio amongst the token holders through a smart contract from this wallet on 28th of each month.

OBIZCOIN will give a minimum guarantee return of 1% per month until completion of BOT or 1 year whichever is less. Returns will start after 1 month of the successful completion of the ICO.
OBIZCOIN team believes, the rationale behind giving a minimum guarantee return to ICO investors is that it’s a moral responsibility of a company to ensure that its investors get worthwhile returns from the investments they make.
Giving 1% per month return also creates a target for the company to make the BOT ready as fast as possible. This gives an auto push to the company to stay focused on the project.
Also, completion of BOT before time or on time will create a positive outlook for the OBIZCOIN project and a likely push to its price on exchanges creating more demand for tokens

3. Monthly Buyback of Tokens in the First Year of Business
OBIZCOIN team will buyback 1% of tokens monthly and destroy them. This will reduce the total tokens in circulation which will increase the value of remaining tokens. By this way, OBIZCOIN aims to pass on benefits its token holders.

Token Distribution Plan
OBIZCOIN has a unique token distribution plan There are total of 300 million tokens generated out of which 270 million (90%) tokens will be available for ICO participants. 30 million tokens (10%) will be reserved for promoters, advisors, employees.
The rationale behind the team holding 10% of total tokens.
The funds needed to accomplish BOT development will be raised through the ICO. So unnecessary holding a greater percentage of tokens by promoters will make little sense.
It is important for the promoters to stay self-motivated in achieving desired results expected out of the project. 10% token holding is not a substantial holding, neither it is a negligible holding. It allows promoters to stay focused on the project and at the same time work hard on it to make it huge and successful. A greater percentage holding by promoters or employees can make them lose interest in the success of execution of project since they already become very rich instantly at the time of listing of tokens on exchanges.
The rationale behind the investors holding 90% of total tokens
30% of the total profits derived from various services offered on the OBIZCOIN platform are going to be distributed to the token holders in the first year of business. In the second year, profit sharing will be 40% to the token holders and from third year onwards, 50% profits made from services offered on OBIZCOIN platform will be distributed to the token holders.
Since 50% of the profit is going to be retained by the company for development purposes, its unnecessary for OBIZCOIN team to hold a larger portion of tokens. since OBIZCOIN team will hold 10% of tokens, they will be automatically entitled to 10% of the profits distributed to token holders
Rupal Agarwal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
OBIZCOIN aims to develop a virtual CEO DAPP for start-ups and SME’s to manage their business effectively and get answers to all their business process problems on just a click on their smart phones, tablets or laptops.
• 80% of Startups & SMEs across the globe face certain standard challenges in managing business. These include things like hiring the right people & retaining them, delegation & automation problem, lack of required domain knowledge, people dependency, cash flow management, balancing quality and growth, customer delight, inventory management, maintain the service standards and many more.
• Enter Obizcoin. Obizcoin will bring solution for managing all these SME & Startup businesses with the domain expertise, rich industry experience & proven management techniques. These solutions will be delivered through Knowledge BOT , based on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. These solutions assure that the businesses are managed efficiently & their failure rate due to management reason is minimized
Nikhil Agarwal
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
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