

Created using Figma
The NUAXES organization was created in 2016 with the objective of educate the world about the blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency industry.
Our aim is to create the biggest specialized and formed community in these technologies. To us, they are not the future but the present, and we are convinced that they will improve the society and thus our lives at every level.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • CREX24
    NUX/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001

Über NuaxesCoin

The NUAXES organization was created in 2016 with the objective of educate the world about the blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency industry.   Our aim is to create the biggest specialized and formed community in these technologies. To us, they are not the future but the present, and we are convinced that they will improve the society and thus our lives at every level.   Now we are ready to give one more step to our objective, creating NUAXESCoin (NUX). Making the big community, that we have generated in these three years, participant to massify the constant interaction of the blockchain and its benefits in all Latin America and the world.   NUAXESCoin will be one of the first cryptocurrencies that will have an alliance with the first exchange with a national bank commission license and values of Mexico, which gives to the asset the necessary back up and confidence to be adopted as cryptocurrency of massive and global use for users and professionals.

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