Node All-Star

Node All-Star

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Node All-Star is a pan-entertainment eco-community based on the EOS.IO and HPB blockchain platform. It uses the Proof of Opinion to form a certificate and rewards the community for the Node All-Star community. Contribution to community members.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Newdex
    NAST/EOS % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.911E-5
    $ 0.4203
  • BitZ
    NAST/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 4.92E-6
    $ 0.0219

Über Node All-Star

Node All-Star is a pan-entertainment eco-community based on the EOS.IO and HPB blockchain platform. It uses the Proof of Opinion to form a certificate and rewards the community for the Node All-Star community. Contribution to community members.

And allow community members to use the rewards to redeem star customization services, merchandise, etc. in the ecology. At the same time, it has precipitated a credible star commercial value measurement system to promote the more benign development of the entertainment industry.

Node All-Star will use blockchain to determine fans' right of their attitudes and opinions towards the celebrities. Fans will become the data holders rather than traditional passive consumers and users. Thus their user. 
Thus their user relationship with the industry will also alter. This is a change in production and relations. Fans will participate in the future economic activities of the entertainment industry by holding data of their attitudes and opinions which are the most valuable things, and obtain the right to gain income generated by economic activities.

Node All-Star will use blockchain to determine fans' right of their attitudes and opinions towards the celebrities. Fans will become the data holders rather than traditional passive consumers and users. Thus their user. 

Thus their user relationship with the industry will also alter. This is a change in production and relations. Fans will participate in the future economic activities of the entertainment industry by holding data of their attitudes and opinions which are the most valuable things, and obtain the right to gain income generated by economic activities.

Node All-Star community will utilize the blockchain technology to record fans' attitude and opinion of a certain idol and reward the fans with NAST token as incentives. Thus the community will have more credible sources of the fans' opinion than the same sources of a Centralized entertainment media. 

Node All-Star community uses the blockchain technology to gather the attitude from the fans and the public, and those data will be saved onto the decentralized storage (IPFS) to provide objective & useful information for the third-party commercial institutions .

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