NFT Show Europe

NFT Show Europe

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#NFTSE is the leading meeting point for web3, digital art, blockchain and metaverse leaders. July 2023 Valencia, Spain.
To be announced
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Über NFT Show Europe

NFT Show Europe is the premier European destination for web3, digital art, blockchain and metaverse experts. This multisensory experience will captivate attendees with an array of interactive and experimental art, providing the ideal setting to foster international collaboration among all of the stakeholders.

The second edition of the event will take place from 14-15 July 2023 in Valencia, Spain, and will feature renowned leaders in the blockchain and web3 space.

Our venue is the City of Arts and Sciences, an internationally recognized cultural and architectural complex.

Located in the green heart of Valencia, the old Turia riverbed, it is the most important modern tourist destination in the city of Valencia and one of the 12 treasures of Spain.

We’ll be closing out our event with a private party on Saturday night, featuring a special performance by Lama x Alpine. This exclusive event is for select VIP guests, sponsors, keynote speakers & exhibitors only, and promises to be an unforgettable experience, surrounded by a 100% business & networking atmosphere.

We’re pleased to announce a new Hackathon in partnership with Decentraland & Metaverse Architects. This event will give developers and creators a chance to showcase their skills and build amazing experiences on the Decentraland platform. Stay tunned to learn more about it!

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