ViaBTC: Eight Years of Pioneering Bitcoin Mining and Stability

13. Mai 2024 BACK TO NEWS

As the cryptocurrency world evolves and shifts, ViaBTC stands as a beacon of stability and innovation in the mining sector. In the aftermath of Bitcoin's fourth halving, which brought about a surge of attention and excitement, ViaBTC's dedication to the core principles of Bitcoin and long-term stability shines through.

A Record of Bitcoin's Journey

Founded by Yang Haipo in 2016, ViaBTC quickly rose to prominence in the global mining landscape. Over eight years, the team has mined nearly 40,000 BTC blocks and consistently ranked among the top three global BTC computing powers. Their commitment to Bitcoin's vision and technological advancement has been unwavering, making them a vital player in recording the pivotal moments of Bitcoin's journey.

Prioritizing Long-termism Over Luck

ViaBTC's approach to mining transcends mere luck. Instead, they focus on long-term stability, understanding that the true value of Bitcoin lies beyond temporary fluctuations. By implementing the PPS+ payout model, ViaBTC ensures miners receive stable earnings regardless of short-term block mining outcomes. This forward-thinking strategy has not only stabilized miners' earnings but has also cemented ViaBTC's position as a leader in the industry.

Navigating Stability Amidst Uncertainty

In a volatile cryptocurrency market, stability is paramount. ViaBTC navigates this uncertainty by prioritizing user experience and service quality. By offering comprehensive customer support, educational events, and rewards programs, ViaBTC creates an ecosystem where miners feel supported and valued. Their commitment to delivering safe and stable mining services has garnered extensive trust and support from users, distinguishing them as the preferred choice for miners seeking reliability.

A Commitment to the Future

Looking ahead, ViaBTC remains dedicated to advancing the mission of Bitcoin and supporting its enduring development. With a focus on technological innovation and user-centric services, ViaBTC pledges to continue offering stable, secure, and enhanced mining services. As they celebrate eight years of pioneering Bitcoin mining, ViaBTC reaffirms its commitment to shaping the future of digital currency and making the world a better place through blockchain technology.