Tech Giants Unite to Combat Online Scams with 'Tech Against Scams' Alliance

23. Mai 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Some of the most prominent tech firms and crypto exchanges have joined forces to launch the 'Tech Against Scams' alliance, a collaborative effort aimed at addressing the increasing prevalence of online fraud and financial schemes. Let's delve into the details of this groundbreaking initiative and its potential impact on combating scams in the digital realm.

Alliance Members and Objectives

Leading companies such as Meta, Coinbase, Ripple, Kraken, Gemini, Match Group, and the Global Anti-Scam Organization (GASO) have come together as members of the alliance. The coalition seeks to leverage the collective insights and expertise of these industry giants to protect and educate users, emphasizing that scams are not limited to social media, crypto, or finance sectors.

Global Financial Fraud Assessment

The initiative comes in response to the alarming findings of the Global Financial Fraud assessment by INTERPOL, which highlighted how advancements in technology have empowered organized crime groups to target victims worldwide. Deception strategies like "pig butchering," where fraudsters gain victims' trust before exploiting them, have become increasingly prevalent. The use of AI, large language models, and cryptocurrencies has further enabled more sophisticated scams with minimal costs, according to INTERPOL.

Creating a Safer Digital Environment

The Tech Against Scams alliance aims to create a safer digital environment by preventing scammers from exploiting users. By collaborating across sectors, the coalition aims to enhance visibility and develop evolving best practices to combat rapidly evolving scams. Education plays a crucial role in this endeavor, with estimates suggesting that consumers worldwide lose $1.4 trillion to financial scams annually. The alliance focuses on educating users about scam strategies and tactics to help them recognize the early signs of potential scams.

Industry-Wide Response to Financial Crimes

According to Yoel Roth, VP of Trust & Safety at Match Group, the collaboration between tech companies across industries is essential for preventing criminal activity and developing effective solutions for various types of financial crimes. By investing in education and awareness initiatives, the alliance aims to empower users to protect themselves from scams and fraudulent activities.


The launch of the 'Tech Against Scams' alliance marks a significant milestone in the ongoing fight against online fraud and financial scams. By bringing together industry leaders from diverse sectors, the coalition demonstrates a collective commitment to safeguarding users and creating a more secure digital ecosystem. As the alliance continues to develop and implement proactive measures, its impact on reducing the prevalence of scams and protecting consumers is expected to be substantial.