NEAR Protocol's HERE Wallet Surpasses 1 Million Users on Telegram

16. Februar 2024 BACK TO NEWS

NEAR Protocol's HERE wallet has achieved a remarkable milestone, with over 1 million Telegram users adopting the wallet within a mere ten days. This surge in adoption highlights the growing interest in decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) within the Telegram community, facilitated by the user-friendly features of the NEAR HERE wallet.

The NEAR HERE Wallet: A Game-Changer for Crypto Users

The NEAR HERE wallet offers Telegram users a seamless experience for managing their cryptocurrency assets. With features like staking, swapping, and exploring NFTs, the wallet serves as a comprehensive solution for crypto enthusiasts. Moreover, the recent integration enables every Telegram user to create a unique NEAR wallet address directly within the messaging app, further simplifying the onboarding process.

According to NEAR Protocol's official announcement, the NEAR Telegram wallet has quickly become the most popular app in the Web3 space. Within just 48 hours, the platform witnessed a staggering influx of over 300,000 new wallets, underscoring the widespread adoption and user engagement.

Advantages of Self-Custodial Wallets

One of the key advantages of the NEAR HERE wallet is its self-custodial nature, where users retain control over their private keys. Unlike custodial wallets, which are controlled by third parties like exchanges, self-custodial wallets offer enhanced security and privacy for users' funds. However, regulatory scrutiny in certain jurisdictions, such as the UK, poses challenges to the proliferation of self-custodial wallets.

Telegram's Crypto Ecosystem

Telegram has been a longstanding supporter of cryptocurrencies, evident from its previous initiatives like the Telegram crypto wallet launched in partnership with The Open Network (TON). While the Telegram wallet operates as a custodial option, the HERE wallet's self-custodial nature provides users with greater autonomy over their assets.

In addition to wallet services, Telegram has witnessed a surge in crypto-related activities, including the rise of trading bots and play-to-earn (P2E) games like Notcoin. The integration of crypto projects like Worldcoin into Telegram's ecosystem further underscores the platform's commitment to fostering crypto adoption.

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

Despite its strides in the crypto space, Telegram has faced regulatory hurdles, notably with its TON project. The billion-dollar lawsuit from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) forced Telegram to abandon its TON project, highlighting the regulatory challenges inherent in the crypto industry.

While Telegram's journey in the crypto space has been met with obstacles, its ongoing efforts to expand its Web3 ecosystem demonstrate a resilient commitment to driving innovation and adoption in the digital asset landscape.


The rapid adoption of the NEAR HERE wallet among Telegram users signifies a growing interest in decentralized finance and NFTs within the messaging app's community. With user-friendly features and a self-custodial design, the wallet offers a secure and convenient solution for managing cryptocurrency assets. Despite regulatory challenges, Telegram remains at the forefront of crypto innovation, paving the way for broader adoption and integration of digital assets into its platform.