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Musiconomi ist ein Ökosystem, in dem das Teilen und Fördern von großartiger Musik ihre eigene Belohnung verdient und wo Künstler Social Sharing anregen können, um ihren Bedürfnissen zu entsprechen.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • ForkDelta
    MCI/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0020
    $ 1.98
  • Cryptopia
    MCI/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0020
  • Cryptopia
    MCI/LTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0028
  • Everbloom
    MCI/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0016
  • Cryptopia
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Weitere Details
Unterhaltung, Kunst


Die Plattform bietet:
- Tools für Content-Ersteller / -Eigentümer, um ihre Inhalte zu veröffentlichen und direkt die Auszahlung von Zahlungen an Mitschöpfer (z Bandmitglieder, Songschreiber, Produzenten, Redakteure),
- Tools für Content-Promoter, um große Inhalte zu fördern und zu sein für ihre Mühe belohnt,
- Tools für Inhaltskonsumenten (Hörer, Leser, etc.) zu finden, Teile und genieße den neuen Inhalt und werde zu Promotoren und Machern sich.

Musiconomi Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Dan Phifer
co-founder, CTO
Brian Byrne
co-founder, Chief Musician Ambassador
Elio Di Iorio
Co-founder, Chief Organizer
David Werba
Co-founder, Chief Marketing Officer
Jared Griego
Co-founder, Blockchain Engineer and Operations
Peter Mooney
Senior Application Architect


$14 859 059

Daniel Zakrisson
Crowdsale and Product Mentoring
Erin Taylor
Cyber-Security, AML and Compliance Specialist

10 ICOs

$263 738 127

Anthony Di Iorio
Business Partnership Development
Tristan Keyte
International Music Consultant
Eden Dhaliwal
Copyright and Licensing Specialist
Håkan Ludvigson
International Label Liaison


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Addison Cameron-Huff
Blockchain Law Advisor
Jeff Dennis
Business Development Legal Advisor
Mike Turner
Music Industry Advisor

Musiconomi Letzte Nachrichten

$ 0.0016
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 45.02 K
Volume 24h:
$ 1.63
Circ. Supply:
27.69 M MCI

% name% Bewertungen

Musiconomi is one of the first projects and went through the rigorous vetting process employed by
Team is competent with people from the music industry, technology and blockchain side. The team’s previous experience in the Musicoin project also provides them valuable experience.
The project has already secured partnership with a music label, putting it ahead of its competitors.
Network effect is present. The more promoters / musicians on board with the platform, the more valuable the platform is.
The project is trying to solve a genuine problem that needs to be fixed. If Musiconomi is successful in its mission, MCI tokens should appreciate substantially.

I’m not fully convinced that Musiconomi’s model completely fixes the music industry. Independent artists with little budget are still disadvantaged because they don’t have the marketing budget that the bigger players have. Promoters can earn more from promoting musicians with a deep pocket so they are more inclined to promote those with a higher marketing budget.
The platform would generate many small transactions and the gas price on the Ethereum network would make such transfers cost prohibitive. The team has a few solutions on solving this issue, including creating “wallets” so promoters/users can withdraw only when the balance is large enough. However, the exact mechanism is not confirmed yet.
There are other blockchain projects tackling the music industry, such as UJO, Voise, and Audiocoin.
The project does not have a working product yet so technical this is just a “white paper” idea. However, the team demonstrated its execution ability from the Musicoin project which somewhat mitigate this risk.

Overall, I like this ICO for its short-term potential but am neutral about its long-term potential. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding:
Good because 1) hard cap of $6 million is very low in today’s standard so there is not much downside, 2) the project is comprised of an experienced team who worked on the Musicoin project.
For long-term holding:
Neutral. There have been many attempts from different companies to disrupt the music industry but most have failed. On the other hand, Musiconomi has a small market cap, so if the project becomes a success, MCI tokens should appreciate significantly.
The team is only selling 25% of the tokens this time, with the option to sell another 25% of the total tokens 12 months after the ICO. This gives the team more incentive to deliver results, or else they wouldn’t be able to raise as much funding in the future, which is good for the token holders as the interests for different parties are aligned.

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