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A Decentralized Currency in Multiverse One Coin Traverses all Metaverses.
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MVP / Prototyp

Über Multiverse

Start with a dream to create a multiverse ecosystem to empower people to realize where players and creators could have an equal opportunity to participate. Existing metaverse projects are not fair to players, as creators have high control over or hold a considerable portion of tokens, making them virtual worlds’ Gods. People have high hope for bitcoin; however, its drawback is the inconvenience of exchanging with other metaverse tokens. What is needed is a coin connecting all metaverses that provides a decentralized way to store, account, and exchange values. The multiverse ecosystem MVS attempts to create has the multiverse coin and multiverse NFT, where the NFT is the miner to mine the multiverse coin. The coin mining mechanism is similar to bitcoin, except the hash power is replaced by holding stakes of NFTs. One might consider power or electricity a limited resource on earth. Bitcoin is an earth coin because its mining consumes earth resources. In the multiverse, resource and scarcity can only be defined by NFT; thus, multiverse NFT is the resource to mine the multiverse coin. The value of the coin should be correlated with the value of the NFT. Therefore, the coin’s value goes up when more consensus is reached on the scarcity of the NFT and vice versa. By connecting all metaverses, the multiverse coin is the one coin to traverse the entire multiverse.


Multiverse Roadmap

  • Multiverse Coin and NFT

  • Launch of the coin and NFT

    Development of the mining and market

    DApp entrance and websites

    Marketing push to spread multiverse ideology

    Multiverse DAO and community
  • Multiverse Bridge/Swap

  • Launch of the MultiverseSwap

    Development of the Multiverse Bridge: Exchange, liquidity, farm, pool, vault, and bridge

    Multiverse NFT museum

    Influencers marketing push

    Listing on major exchanges

    Third-party audit
  • Multiverse Ecosystem

  • Launch of the Multiverse Investment Fund

    Investment and development on more metaverses

    Expansion of multiverse to art, finance, entertainment, and technology

    1T market cap

    Proof of NFT Stake

    Multiverse ETF and trust

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