

Created using Figma
Fully Decentralized Protocol for Private Transactions on Binance Smart Chain
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Morphose

Alice and Bob deposit 1 BNB to Morphose 1 BNB denomination smart contract. Bob withdraws his 1 BNB with a new wallet. When we look at the transactions on BscScan, can we say that Bob withdrew his funds? No, because the withdrawer may well be Alice with a new wallet. This is how Morphose “mixes” the transactions to break the link between source and destination addresses. Bob sends 1 BNB to a pool of 1 BNBs and withdraws 1 BNB from the same pool, with a new wallet so the link between deposit and withdraw address naturally gets broken.

Morphose lets users to deposit and withdraw only in denominations such as 0.1, 1, 10 or 100 ETH and with new wallets every time. For every deposit, the user gets a secret (note) that he/she can use to withdraw to a new wallet. Zero-knowledge proofs (zkSNARKs) enable obfuscating deposited token history without revealing which exact deposit corresponds to the secret.

While Morphose makes private transactions on Blockchain technically possible, is it legal to use her? Morphose is noncustodial. She doesn't hold keys and is not tasked with storing funds like an exchange. You have complete control of your wallet keys you use Morphose, therefore your funds, and for what purpose you use your funds. Morphose is like the Metamask wallet on Blockchain or Chrome web browser on the Internet. After all, Morphose is just a tool and not Morphose or the Blockchain, but her users are fully responsible for their actions. There are always questions that can always be discussed. What can't be discussed is the fact that privacy is a fundamental human right that nobody can have the right to interfere with.


Morphose is the first Fully Decentralized Noncustodial Protocol for Private Transactions on a Public Blockchain. That means her smart contracts are immutable without admins or owners, her UI lies on IPFS and she doesn't depend on third-party off-chain relayer business entities that may risk deanonymizing the user. Morphose also takes the lowest commission of 0.75%, has multiple denominations, supports multiple tokens and uses lowest gas fees when compared with competitors. In addition to these, MORPH token holders can use the protocol for free and earn up to 600% APR.

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